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Porsche's P.O.V:

I continued running as fast as I could ignoring the bullet in my shoulder.

Vegas and Big were following me so I ran faster.

I ran inside the garden tool shed and hid there.

Vegas's P.O.V:

I ran ahead of Big and saw that person going into the tool shed.

I sighed heavily and lowered the gun as I stopped running.

I walked over to the tool shed cautiously.

"Hey...You won't get hurt if you don't come out ok?" I asked.

The person on the other side of the door didn't say anything but I could tell that he was there because of the blood near the door.

I knelt down near the door and dipped my fingers in the blood then stained my clothes with it before standing up normally once again before Big could come.

"Mr Kornwit...He must have hid there I'm going to get him" Big said as soon as he stopped running in front of me.

I glanced at the tool shed then shook my head.

"He has a knife...I had a fight with him...He ran that way" I said then pointed at the garden gate to show Big that the guy I shot must have escaped the main family's house.

Big looked at the direction I was pointing at then nodded.

"Are you ok mr Kornwit?" He asked.

Then pointed at the blood on my clothes.

"I'll be fine...I'll go back to the house you must leave" I said.

Then gave him the car keys and he went to start the car.

I knocked on the door.

"Hey...It's fine if you go look through the window now...You can get out once I leave" I said.

Then walked over to the house.


Kinn's P.O.V:

I noticed that Jom wasn't here so I nodded for Pete to come over.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Go find Jom" I said.

Pete looked around then nodded.

My uncle and Macau were here but Vegas wasn't.

"So...Do you have anything to say about the new plan?" My father's secretary who was now my secretary and advisor said.

"Mr Chan just gave you a thorough presentation about our new policy regarding the new..." I started.

But was interrupted when the door opened and Vegas walked into the room.

His father looked at him immediately.

"Why are you late? What happened to you?" My uncle asked.

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