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Porsche's P.O.V:

I walked back into the bar after I was done with my cigarette.

The customers were still coming but my colleagues were doing a great job managing the work.

I grabbed a bottle from the counter and put some money on the table then sat down on one of the tables and started pouring myself some drinks and gulping them down.

After some time I woke up to the feeling of someone patting my back lightly.

But I still felt too lazy to open my eyes.

I shouldn't have went grocery shopping in the rain yesterday...Damn I don't even remember the last time I had a proper meal.

"Hey...Are you here by yourself?" A voice whispered in my ear.

Then a hand was lightly touching my neck.

I moved away slightly and closed my eyes before putting my head on the table.

I felt a weight on the seat next to me.

The person said something in my ear but I couldn't focus on what it was.

Then the weight was suddenly lifted and I heard a loud shout.

Someone was smacking my cheeks lightly...

Kinn's P.O.V:

I was back at the hotel with P'Chan and Kim taking care of some work when my phone started ringing.

I was surprised when I saw that it was Time.

So I picked up immediately.

"What's wrong?" I asked frowning.

"Tae just called me and said that Porsche is sick at the bar where he works" Time said.

I stood up immediately and hurried over to my closet and started changing.

"Kim...I'll borrow your car" I said not waiting for a reply before leaving the room hurriedly slamming the door shut behind me.

When I arrived at the bar I immediately found Porsche sitting on one of the tables with a guy sitting next to him.

The guy was stroking Porsche's neck before leaning closer to his face.

Porsche moved away.

And I hurried over to them and grabbed the guy's collar and pulled him to his feet then punched him in the face.

"What the hell is your problem?" The guy asked angrily.

I pulled out my gun and raised it to his chin causing his eyes to widen in shock and horror.

"Fuck off or I'll kill you right this instant" I said not bothering to hide my anger.

The guy ran away immediately.

I went over to Porsche's side and made him sit normally.

He chuckled and tilted his head to the side.

"Hey...I'm not drunk ok? I'm just...Sleeping" He said chuckling.

I sighed heavily and pulled him to his feet.

Then started walking him to the bathroom to help him freshen up.

He threw up in the toilet seat.

His eyes were closed and he looked flushed all over.

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