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Porsche's P.O.V:

We heard a gunshot followed by Kim's yelling so we immediately rushed out to see what was going on.

The people at the crematorium ran away in panic.

I saw Kinn on the floor in a pool of blood under him.

Kim looked at us distraught and in tears.

"Tem call an ambulance" I said.

Then me and Tankul rushed over to Kinn's side.

I was about to ask what happened when I heard another gunshot.

"You...You're her son...You're the reason she chose him over me...SHE WAS MINE...I'LL KILL YOU" The crazy man screamed.

Then pointed his gun at me.

"You even took away my sons...They chose to help you and your brother instead of me...VEGAS COME HERE...SHOW YOURSELF" The man screamed.

He must have really gone completely insane.

He was going to fire another bullet but something suddenly stuck itself in his throat.

My eyes widened when I realised what it was.

A knife...

Porchay screamed in horror and started crying from shock.

I turned and saw Vegas's hand raised in a throwing motion indicating that he was the one who threw the knife.

He lowered his hand and glared at his father angrily as he took his final breath.

Oh my god...I don't think I'll ever forget that picture.

The entire family main and secondary...THEY'RE ALL FUCKING NUTJOBS.

I hugged Porchay and started patting his back.

Macau looked at Vegas wide eyed.

But Vegas didn't show any remorse.

I gulped nervously as I continued comforting my brother who clung to me still obviously terrified.

"WHAT THE FUCK VEGAS?" Tankul screamed.

"What? He talked so much I thought he'd never shut up so I had to act fast since it was really getting on my nerves" Vegas said.

Then brushed his hair back before going to his father's side and taking his knife back.

But unfortunately that caused an even bigger disaster...

Because when he stood up and turned to us his clothes were covered in blood.

It's not like I have anything against blood but it looked so fucking scary right now.

"Ummm...The ambulance arrived" Tem squeaked out.

I was suddenly snapped out of this disturbing occurrence by Tem's voice.

"Oh...Right...We might need to move him quickly he doesn't look in a good condition" Vegas said.

I nodded in agreement.

The ambulance took Kinn away and after some time we were at the hospital.

I sighed in relief when the doctor said that Kinn will be alright.

"You should get going now or you'll miss your train" Kim said.

I pursed my lips into a thin line and looked at Kinn one last time.

"Alright...Let's get going" I said.

Porchay hugged Kim one last time.

"Do you want me to tell him something when he wakes up?" Kim asked.

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