21. Last straw

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"Not by choice. You never shut up about your boss, it's annoying."

"Your existence is annoying."

He flipped me off and I gasped. "That's it, I'm telling Naira."

"And I'm telling her you called me dickwad."

"Oh please, she'll agree."

"We'll see how much she agrees when I tell her you hit me."

"Hey! That's a lie. I didn't touch you."

"But you hurt my baby."

"Shut up, you don't even like the car."

"It's still my baby."

"You're a psycho."

"I'm telling that to Naira too."

"Shut up."

"You shut up."

"No, you shut up."







"Shut up. We're here."

I got down and slammed it shut again.

"You little bi-"

"Drive unsafe. Go die in a ditch."

I walked away with my fingers in my ears. "I can't hear you."

Ha. I win. Take that.

"Who was that?" Surya's voice caused me to look up fast. I got a whiplash. Of course.

I massaged my neck. "An asshole."

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm yeah. What are doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?" I began to walk towards the building with Surya in tow.

"No, it starts 5 minutes later. But seriously who was that?"

"Wait what? You're supposed to start 5 minutes later? What's the time now? Holy shit, your house is very close to the office. Then why the hell were the ubers so expensive?" I quickly signed in and walked towards the lift at the end of the hallway.

"Uber? You were supposed to come with Babu Da."

"Your family got mad. Whatever. But like what the hell?"

"It's expensive because our office and house aren't that close. It's at least a thirty minutes drive unless you take the shitty backroads. Ubers won't take you via those roads."

"It took me 15 minutes."

"That's cause he took those backroads. Whoever that ass-"



"His name is Arunav." We got into the lift and the doors closed.

"Okay. Well he knows the roads."

"The car did jerk a bit but I didn't think much of it. Buses jerk a lot more."

The lifted door opened and we stepped out. Surya began to say something but was cut off by Molly who looked relieved to see us.

"The projector isn't working and the guy who fixes it isn't present today."

"It's fine, just escort the clients to my boss' room."

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