My hair is slightly brushed through, and I try to make it neat. However, neat and my hair are not words that are familiar with each other. My hair is always messy, no matter how hard I try and brush it.

My hair's as black as my shirt, and I finish applying another round of eyeliner, around my eyes. I wish I could do winged eyeliner, but my eyes are too round for me to do it winged. So, I just do it around my eyes.

"You look so handsome Dom, I'm so proud of you," My mum says, as she finishes placing the family heirloom around my neck. Looking back at her, I pull her into a quick embrace. I can't truly explain the love in my heart I have for her. 

"Now, c'mon, let's get going! You can't be late for the royal cars," She says, pulling herself together, as she grabs my suitcases, and helps me rush down the stairs of our house. Checking the grandfather clock down the main hall, I don't have to leave for 5 minutes, yet.

But, I continue down the stairs nonetheless, as sometimes it's best just to agree and not bother to argue with my mum. Half for her sanity, and half for my own.

Finally getting down to the end of the steps, a horse drawn carriage is waiting for us, and two coachmen on foot, who accept the hand-off of my bags from my mum. "Dom Harrison?" One of them asks, and I bow a little.

"Yes, Sir," I say, remembering to say Sir, as my mum has given me more lectures on using my manners in front of royalty and royal workers more times than I think I've blinked in my life. "Alright, can you come into the cart, please?" He asks, and I nod.

"Goodbye, Mum," I say to her, and give her a hug goodbye. She kisses my cheek, and waves goodbye to me, as I get into the cart. In the cart, is two other men. He has long wavy hair down to his shoulders, and tattoos all over.

His tattoos must be all over his body, it must do. But, all we can see, is some across his arms, as well as across his chest. He has a packet of cigarettes stuffed in his pocket, but he hasn't lit them just yet. He later introduced himself as Giovanni. 

The man sitting across from him is beautiful. Strikingly beautiful. He's got slightly tan skin, with freckles across his face, and some trailing down his neck. He has brown eyes, and thick lashes, and messy brown hair. He told me his name, Leo.

I relax to the back of the carriage, as we all talk about the royal family. The Laurent family has a lot of drama around it. There were wars, battles for the crown, a lot of backstabbing, it's honestly a messy family history, there's no denying it.

"I'm quite excited to be honest," Giovanni giggled, as he looks out the window. We're getting further out of the city, and that means that we're getting closer to the palace. The palace is in quite a secluded location, it's for their safety.


It's reaching the late afternoon by the time we reach the Laurent Palace. It looks like something out of Wuthering Heights, the gothicness of it reminiscing something of an old novel. The sun is beginning to set by now, the sun hanging low over the silhouette of the castle.

The castle is a large sprawling place, rather than full of turrets and towers. There's two main turrets, on the West and the East sides, on the opposite sides. The whole castle is solid stone, with stained glass windows.

There's a large sprawling forest and courtyard space at the front of the castle, it must be a solid fifty feet in front of the castle. The courtyards are beautifully kept, with roses and beautiful flowers across it.

A gralled path is across the fifty feet space, as our carriage approach's the silver metal gates, with the family name "LAURENT" in gothic writing across the top, in the same silver. A security guard in a solid black uniform is stood in guard, a gun across his shoulder.

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