"Hi there," he greeted gently. "How do you feel?"

I was stunned. I'd thought maybe some crazy creep had kidnapped me or something off the street, but this guy looked very unthreatening and not scary at all. But, in my overwhelming confusion, I really needed to stop assuming stuff and get solid answers.

"I feel ok," I lied. "Where am I? And who are you?" I asked, at hearing my voice I sounded raspy. I held my breath as I waited to see if he was willing to answer or if this was going to turn ugly. The moment of truth.

"My name is Koh. I'm Mr Kim's personal assistant. And you're in a spare room in his apartment. He brought you home after he found you unconscious on the street.."

He spoke with soft eyes, and it was really throwing me off. I didn't know this person at all. But, at the mention of the name Kim, the fog in my mind cleared a bit.

"Oh.. So.. Where is he? Also.. who is he?" I asked but hesitantly. Still trying to gauge what kind of precarious situation I was in right now. I truly had not the faintest clue, but what I knew was that he wasn't who he initially said he was. And neither was Bangtan. Everything was a mess.

"He's in his office finishing up some work. Hmm.. perhaps it'd be better if you spoke with him yourself. That's if you're up for it yet." Koh continued, "If not, rest as long as you need. We were really worried about you. It's such a relief that you appear to be feeling a little better." Even though I didn't get the feeling he was lying, I couldn't just believe him, either. But there's no way I could fall back asleep right now. I needed answers and my intuition was screaming at me that this Mr. Kim had them.

"I'm alright, can I please speak with him?" I slowly edged closer to the side of the bed and threw back the covers. When I passed out, I was wearing the same clothes. "How long was I unconscious?"

Koh moved carefully, approaching me, as though to help, but not too quickly in case I startled. But I didn't feel scared of him. It was weirdly comforting. Like he was an old friend or something.

"Since last night. It's about 3pm at the moment," Koh said. He'd easily answered everything I'd asked, which I just wasn't used to. Usually, the boys never gave me straight answers... but then again, they weren't quite who I thought they were. I pushed it aside for now and focused on taking Koh's hand as I slid off the bed. It was high up.

After I stepped out, he let go and said to follow him, so I did. As we stepped out of the bedroom, there was a white marble hall which led to more open living space. The entire wall was a glass panel that overlooked the city. This was a beautiful apartment, the kind that someone very successful and prestigious might live in.

Koh noticed I was staring around with wide eyes.

"This is one of his smaller ones. See that building over there" he slowed down and pointed out the window to a skyscraper on the left. I nodded as I spotted it.

"He has a much nicer place over there. It's where I live with my twin brother." He flashed me a small smile, but I didn't know what to say to that, so I just said nothing. He proceeded down another hall, and we came to a stop at the door at the end of the corridor.

"Hey um.." for a moment he looked unsure, struggling to say something before entering, "If at any point you feel anxious or unwell, I'll be right here. You can call out for me and I'll come get you.."

I didn't know why he was saying this. I already felt anxious and unwell about this entire situation. My stomach was in knots, my head thumping in a dull way. I was brimming with uncertainty, on the verge of it overflowing.

"Um.. thanks?" As much as I didn't know this guy from a bar of soap, I just couldn't bring myself to knock him back. With that, he gave a small smile and pushed open the door for me.

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