Is She Gonna Tell?

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     Hunter's POV

           I was standing by the library doors waiting for Emira to show up, I waited for a couple of minutes until I saw Emira walking towards me smiling, "You ready to kick this plan into action?" I smiled and said "Yea, lets go." I grabbed my staff and hopped on, then Emira got on in back of me. We flew to the Blight Manor, and when we got there we both hopped off and Flapjack came off of the staff and landed on to my shoulder.

Emira led me into the house quietly as to not make to much noise since her parents were just downstairs prepping for the presentation. (I don't know where they have the presentations of there inventions so I just made it in the basement of the house) We made it by the abomination that was in the kitchen and went up the stairs to where I assume Edric was. "Come on, over here." She whispered while leading me to a door that had the letter E in green on the outside of it, where as the door across from it had the same letter E but in pink on the outside of it, which I'm assuming was Emira's room.

Emira knocked on the door three times before it opened to reveal Edric standing there looking cute as ever, I-i mean cool as ever, hehe yea that's what I meant, anyways. Emira said "I have a delivery for one Edric Blight, she stepped aside and I looked up at him smiling, "EDRIC! I said while running towards him to engulf him in a hug. I wrapped him in my arms and he did the same to me.

"Shh, keep it down, the last thing we need is mittens hearing and then her running to tell mom." Emira said while pushing us into Edric's room. Edric and I pulled apart and then stood there for a couple of seconds before we heard a knock at the door, "Edric, what is all that noise? I'm trying to concentrate on the presentation note cards mom made me for tonight." I looked at the door as Edric yelled, "Nothing, sorry I'll be quieter." I could hear Amity sighing and then Emira opened the door and walked out but before she did, I locked eyes with Amity and her eyes were as wide as saucers.

All I could hear as the door was closing was "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!" I looked back at Edric with a worried expression, "What if she tells your mom? You'll be in so much trouble and it will be all my fault." Edric grabbed me by the shoulders and said "Hey, hey look at me, its gonna be ok. Emira will talk to her and it will all be fine." I looked at him and said "Are you sure?" "Yes, now do you want to watch a movie to get your mind off of it? Or at least until Emira comes back?" I smiled, "Sure.' I sat back on Edric's bed and flapjack flew off my shoulder and onto Edric's desk, and Edric got the crystal ball so that we could pick a movie to watch.

Emira's POV

     "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!"  I quickly grabbed Amity's hand and pulled her into my room, "Will you be quiet, if its not obvious were trying not to get caught by mom.!" She looked at me like I was crazy, "That's the Golden Guard, you know that right?" "Yea we know that." She laughed and said "You both are gonna be in so much trouble when she finds out." "But she's not going to find out, right? I mean its not like we told her anything about you and Luz dating at first, right?" Amity shifted a bit and said "I guess so, ok mabey I wont tell her, but be carful and watch out for Edric with him, I don't know if I trust Golden boy yet."

When Amity finally left my room, I walked back over to Edric's room. When I walked in I saw Edric and Hunter sitting against the headboard of Ed's bed, Hunter had his head laying on Edric's shoulder while Edric had his head leaning against Hunter's head and they both were asleep so I decided to take a picture with my scroll which I would of course send to Ed later. I decided to leave them be and went back downstairs to check out what mom and dad were doing since there presentation was about to start.

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