Truth Or Dare?

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Edric's POV

I had just woken up and it was already past 10 am, Amity, Emira and I are supposed to be at the owl house by 11. I hop out of bed and go into my closet to find something to wear for the day, I decide that since its cold out ill wear a magenta hoodie and some black skinny jeans.

 I hop out of bed and go into my closet to find something to wear for the day, I decide that since its cold out ill wear a magenta hoodie and some black skinny jeans

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{This is what I imagine the outfit looking like}

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{This is what I imagine the outfit looking like}

The magenta hoodie reminds me of Hunter's eyes, so I like it. I take my clothes over to the bathroom and to my surprise I'm the first one up.

After my shower I get dressed and go back to my room to call Hunter, just to make sure he was still coming. I walked into my room and grabbed my crystal ball, I called Hunter and a few seconds later he picked up. "Hey, Edric." "Hey, Hunter. I just wanted to make sure you were still going today?" He smiled, "Of course, I would never miss a chance to see you." I smiled and said "Great we'll see you there." I waved at him before ending the call.

About an half an hour later Amity and Emira were finally ready, so we all headed out of the house after saying goodbye to our parents, I guess your wondering why I'm leaving when I'm supposedly grounded? Well its because I'm not grounded anymore but mom still has a ban on me seeing Hunter, so that's why were meeting at the owl house and in a group of friends and not just by ourselves. Also as long as I say and do the right things then she's none the wiser to what I'm doing, it works out on both our ends.

Once we were at the owl house, we were greeted by Luz and hooty at the door, "Hey guys.!" Luz said and then hooty said "THE GANGS ALL HERE." I covered my ears because hooty can be a bit loud. "Not yet hooty, were still waiting for one more person," I assume she was talking about Hunter since when we walked in he wasn't here. Just then there was a knock at the door and I turned around to see Hunter standing there.

"Hey, Hunter." Luz said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him inside, "Hey, guys." He smiled, I loved that smile. I-I mean never mind, "So, now that were all here what do you guys want to do?" "How about we play truth or dare?" Emira said while smirking, its never good when she does that face. "Sure, why not." Amity said while Luz nodded her head yes and Hunter and I just stood there.

We all sat down in a circle in the middle of Luz's room, and of course I sat next to Hunter. "Ok, who wants to go first?" Emira said while looking at all of us, Luz raised her hand, "Ill go." "Ok." Luz spun the can that was in front of us, we couldn't find any bottles, it had landed on Emira, "Ok, Emira, truth or dare?" "Dare obviously." Luz was trying to think of something and then she said "I dare you to go up to King and cuddle him." "That's easy." She said before running out of the room and then we could hear her yelling "Kingggg." And then there was some squeaking from king.

Emira walked back into the room, "Dare successful!" Ok, lets see who's next, she said as she spun the can. A few truth and dares later the can had landed on Hunter next, Emira smiled and then said "Ok, Hunter, Truth or Dare?" Hunter thought for a second and then said "Dare." Emira looked at him and then at me while smirking, this is not going to be good. "Ok, I dare you to kiss Edric." My eyes went wide and I looked at Emira like she was crazy.

Hunter had looked very nervous but then he turned to me and said "We don't have to if you don't want to." After a moment I said "Hey, its just one kiss, that cant hurt hehe." I laughed nervously, was this really how I wanted my first kiss with Hunter to go, Ughh no Edric, remember you cant think like that, this little crush or whatever it is cant be true or else mom will kill you. I sat there as Hunter came closer and closer until our lips met and it was the most magical thing I've ever felt, well besides actual magic but as soon as it began it ended, and I couldn't help but miss the feel of the kiss and us being that close. I think I definitely have it bad for this boy.

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