Why I Love You

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(This chapter is going to be mainly a filler chapter, and it will be in Hunter's POV where he is just stating all of the reasons why he loves Edric and all that mushy love stuff lol. Anyways enjoy the chapter.)

Hunter's POV

       I never really imagined that my life would be like it is today, and if you told me a year ago that I would be in love with someone who really cared about me, then I don't think I would believe you. Edric has been there for me through everything this past year, I cant even believe that its been more than a year. I know that it may seem stupid to feel safe when Belos is probably doing all he can to plot his next plan to come capture me, but I do feel safe with Edric and well everyone here. This is my new family and I'm happy with them.

There are many reasons why I love Ed, but ill just name 5 for now, first being that he's funny and he can make me laugh even when I'm about to cry, {Bit of a Taylor Swift song reference there huh? Lol sorry i had to} second would be the way he looks without his concealment spell, I mean I like him with or without it but his glasses are cute on him, Third would be the way he gets excited about learning new spells, fourth would be the way he cares so much about me, that he would drop everything to just come give me a hug if I was upset. Lastly would be the way he saw through my stupid Golden Guard facade when we first met, it was like for the first time someone just saw me and not the Golden Guard.

For once I could just be myself with someone, I didn't have to keep up this character that I was trained to be, I was allowed to just be me, and I loved that. More importantly, he loved that, and I love him so much.

Authors Note: Yes, short chapter, I know, but its late and I'm running out of ideas on chapters so this is what we get for now, sorry. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it and this story is almost at 22k reads, like that is crazy. I'm so thankful for everyone who has came across this story and has decided to read it. I really just went into writing this because I love the Owl House and I shipped Edric and Hunter, but I never thought that it would have this many reads, so thank you again. As always have an amazing Morning, Afternoon, or Night.

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