We Need To Talk

179 16 13

Edric's POV

I was sitting in my room waiting for Hunter to get out of the shower, yes, he stayed the night at my house last night. He had asked after Amity said she was staying over at Luz's and Em was staying the night with Vinney, so we had our own sleepover since my parents wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning. A few seconds later I heard the shower stop and then a few minutes after Hunter came out in a towel and nothing else. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, Hunter walked over to the bed like nothing, and I could feel my heart racing.

He reached over to the nightstand where his shirt was hanging off of the lamp shade, and yes, we did do what you think we did last night and yes it was amazing. He put his shirt on and said, "Can, I borrow some pants and a sweatshirt" I smiled and said, "Yea, of course." He smiled and opened up my dresser to pick out a sweater and pair of pants to wear. "I fiddled with my hands because I knew that I was about to bring up the topic that I was trying to avoid since last night with Hunter, "Hey, can we talk?" Hunter finished dressing and then sat down next to me on my bed, "What's up?" he asked.

I took a deep breath and then turned to face Hunter, "Hunter, do you still want to go through with our plan?" His smile faded a bit, kind of like I just asked him if he still wanted to be with me once we turn 18, or mabey because thats exactly what I had just asked him, either way seeing his face like that doesnt make it hurt any less. "Of course I do." "Are you sure, because if your not, just tell me." He looked at me like he was hurt.

I looked at him like my heart was breaking, because it was. "Ed, its not that I dont want to go with you, its just that-" "What? Just because your finally away from Belos means that you dont want run away with me anymore?" He stood up and said, "THATS NOT FAIR! You know I didnt promise that to you just because I was trapped with Belos, I promised you that because I wanted to be with you forever." I could see the tears starting to slide down his face, and I started to feel bad that I even brought this up, it was clearly hurting him.

"I-Im sorry, I just thought, well I thought that you were feeling nervous about it and wanted to back out of the plan."  He stared off into the distance, and there was the look again, the look that told me it was possible that he wouldn't be coming with me. "Edric, you have to understand that I finally found a family, one that cares about me. I don't think I can let that go in a year. I talked to Luz and even though she said it was fine, I still don't feel like leaving would be a good choice if I'm happy here." "I understand, but what about us? What about when a year passes and-" He cut me off with a kiss and when we pulled apart he looked me in the eyes and I could tell he wanted to start crying again, but was trying his hardest not to.

"When that day comes then we'll figure it out, but for now lets just enjoy us and our time right now. Please?" I bit my lip as to try not to let the tears stream down my face, so instead I smiled and said, "Ok, yea lets do that instead." I laughed and when he said that he was going to get breakfast for us, I nodded and when he left the room I closed the door and slid  to the floor while crying, something I didn't want him to see because I knew he would feel guilty about his decision and that's something I never want him to feel bad about.

Authors Note: I may have just made myself cry at 11:30 pm while writing this, but its all good. Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and as always thank you for reading, and have a wonderful morning/ afternoon/ or night.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora