Family Vacation

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Hunter's POV

It's been around two weeks since my birthday party, and it was probably one of the best nights of my life, all thanks to my amazing boyfriend Edric of course. Right now im packing my bag since Edric, Emira, Amity, Luz and I are all going on a vacation with Edric's Dad and Darius for a week, they decided to take all of us on a trip before summer break was over.

I finished packing my bag and then went into the living room to see if Darius needed any help with any of the stuff he was loading into the car. {Again, I know they dont have cars but in this fanfiction they do.} "Hey, Darius did you need any help with loading the car up?" He turned around to face me and smiled, "No, but do you have your bag packed?" "Yea, I just finished." I said as I smiled back at him, "Ok, then just go get your bag and put it in the back of the car, oh and make sure Edric is actually packing his stuff and not just goofing off with Emira." I nodded my head and went back into my room to get my bag.

I took my bag and placed it into the back of the car, then I headed back inside to see what Ed and Em were up to. I knocked on Emira's door and a few seconds later she opened it, "Oh, hey Hunter, come in." "Hey, Ed, Darius sent me to check if you were actually packing your bag and not just goofing off." He then put his hand over his heart and acted like he was offended.

"It's like the man doesnt trust me or something." I laughed a bit and said, "Well, can you blame him? You have been tormenting him with pranks since you were like 12." Em laughed, and then I looked at her and said, "You to." She stopped laughing and turned back to her bag. I walked up to Edric and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then I left the room to see what we had in the kitchen to eat since I was hungry.

After everyone was ready and all the bags were packed, we all got into the car and took off to pick up Luz from her house and then it was off to our vacation destination.

Around two hours later, we finally arrived at the hotel we were going to be staying at which was a very nice looking place, as soon as we parked, Edric and I got out to help with the bags. Once we got all the bags into the hotel, Darius went to check us in, and then he came back a few minutes later and brought us our keys to our rooms.

Edric and I were sharing a room and Emira,Amity and Luz were sharing the room next to us. Then Dad and Darius were in the room across from us. Once we finally had all our bags situated onto the cart thing, we then all made our way up to our rooms. Once Edric and I were in our room, which also connected to the girls room, we decided to unpack our stuff and then get ready for dinner.

After we both had gotten changed into some other clothes, we left our room to meet with Amity, Em, and Luz outside of our rooms, we were also meeting Dad and Darius. Once we had all met up with each other, we walked down to the lobby of the hotel and headed to the restaurant that we would be eating at.

After dinner we all headed back up to our rooms, Em said that Luz, Amity and her were going to watch a movie in their room and offered for Edric and I to come over to watch it with them, to which we of course said yes because who can pass up a movie night? We had told the girls that we would go and get some snacks from the little shop downstairs, it was a shop that sold souvenirs and snacks in it for the hotel guest.

We picked out everything that we thought they would like and some stuff that we liked to eat and drink, then we payed for our stuff and went back up to the room where we watched a movie that Luz had shown us, it was called Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. {HeHe, my favorite movie of the Harry Potter series. I just had to put it into the story.}

That was how we ended our first night of vacation, and I think tomorrow will be even better.

Authors Note: First off thank you so much for 15k, almost 16k reads, I know I say this all the time but I never actually thought it would get that many reads and I'm really appreciative for it. So again Thank you so much. As always have an amazing Day.

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