First Date Redo

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Hunter's POV

      I sat in Edric's room while he searched for something that I could wear for our date tonight, after searching for about twenty minutes he finally pulled out a black shirt, black skinny jeans and a grey sweater that had a pride flag on it.

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

{His outfit but uh the sweater picture that I got couldn't upload so just imagine a simple grey sweater with a rainbow sparkly flag on it

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

{His outfit but uh the sweater picture that I got couldn't upload so just imagine a simple grey sweater with a rainbow sparkly flag on it.}

He handed me the clothes and I went to the bathroom to change, once I came out of the bathroom, I walked back to Edric's room and stood in front of him to show him the clothes, "That looks so good on you." I smiled and tried to hide my face since I was blushing, "Thanks." He looked at me and said "Are you ready to go?" He stood up from the bed and took my hand, "Yep." I grabbed his hand and led him downstairs and out the door so that we could go on our date.

We got into town and started walking around until we stopped in front of the Ice Scream shop, "You want to get some Ice Scream? My treat." I said while looking at Edric, his face lit up and he said "Yea, I love Ice Scream!." I took his hand and we walked into the shop, Edric and I walked up to the cashier to order. "Hi, my name is Kelly. What can I get for you today?" I looked at her and smiled, "Hi, can I get one Vanilla, cone? And Edric, what would you like?" I turned to him and he said "Ill have one strawberry." She smiled back at us as she got our cones ready, "Here you go, that will be five snails." I handed her the snails as Edric grabbed the cones.

We found a booth to sit at while we ate our Ice Scream, "So, what did you wanna do after this?" Edric said while he was eating his Ice Scream, I noticed that he had gotten some on his nose so i grabbed a napkin off of the table and wiped his nose, "You have some on your nose, here let me get it." He laughed after I was done wiping his nose of the cold treat. "What?" I looked at him confused but still smiling, "It's, just that, you can be such a mom sometimes." I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Well at least you know with me around you wont get into trouble as much, or embarrass yourself  as much." It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Whatever, its cute though. The way you care about me so much, I like it. No one really cares about me like that anymore." I looked at him and said "What do you mean?" "Well, you know how I said my mom could care less about us, well I meant it. All she cares about lately is if we get into covens and if were hanging out with the right people. She doesnt care if were happy all she wants is us to be the perfect family." He looked like he was about to cry so I set my sweet treat on my napkin and put my arms around him.

"Hey, its ok, don't cry." "I'm sorry, its just that I don't get to express how I feel all the time, I'm usually busy trying to be the one who makes people laugh, I never get to talk about how I really feel." I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes, "Well, now you have me to talk to about whatever you want, you don't have to worry about me judging you or not wanting to hear what you have to say because I promise I will always care about your feelings." Edric hugged me again and i could feel that he was holding on tight as if he was going to lose me.

{Edric's POV}

After we got done at the Ice Scream shop, and after I had my little breakdown and was comforted by Hunter, we ended up walking around town for a bit. As we were walking, I spotted a shop that did custom braclets and so I told Hunter to wait outside while I went in and got something. After around fifteen minutes or so I finally came back out of the shop and found Hunter sitting on a bench outside. "Finally, what was taking you so long?" I laughed and handed him a small box. "Here, open it." I smiled as he took it.

He opened it and his eyes widened and I could see his face go red, "Edric, its beautiful." He took the bracelet out of the box and looked it, "I wanted to get you something special, since your so special to me." I smiled as I took the bracelet so that I could help him put it on. He held out his hand and I wrapped the bracelet around his wrist and clasped it on. "Thank you so much, I love it." He smiled as he admired the bracelet again, it was a silver bracelet with the letters E+H engraved on it.

After we walked around some more, we finally ended the night with Hunter walking me back to my house. When we got to the house he walked me up the steps and to the door, "I had a great time with you." "I did to, again thank you for the bracelet, it means a lot to me." He smiled and then leaned in for a kiss, when we separated I opened the door to my house and said "Ill see you soon, bye golden boy." He laughed and then I watched as he took off on his staff. I closed the door and smiled to myself.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum