Summers Here

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Edric's POV

     I sat down in my last class of the day, when I got a message on my scroll. I grabbed my scroll from my pocket and looked at the screen, I knew the teacher wasn't paying attention to what we were doing so I wouldn't get caught. Hunter had messaged me to meet him at the new house right after school, he didn't come to school today since he said he wanted to work on some project he was doing, im not really sure what he had planned, but I felt like it may have something to do with our room.

I quickly messaged him back saying that I would be there and that I only had one class left, he then sent back a smiley face and a kissy face, I laughed and shook my head as I put my scroll back into my pocket, just in time to see that the teacher was passing out our end of the year exams.

After class I told Em and Amity that I was meeting Hunter at our dad's house, and that I would see them tonight for dinner. I then took off and made my way to see what Hunter had been doing all day.

Once I finally made it to the house, I saw Hunter standing right outside the front door. I went up to Hunter and smiled, then I said, "So, why did you ask me to meet you here right after school?" He smiled and looked like he was going to burst with excitement, "Right, about that, please follow me." He extended his hand for me to take, so I did and then he led me into the house and through the hallway, and over to our room.

The door was shut so I couldn't immediately see what it looked like, after a few seconds Hunter opened the door, "SUPRISE!!" Like I thought, he had decorated our whole room, it looked amazing. There was {I'm going to be very minimal on how I describe their room, because I have slight knowledge of what Edric likes, but im trying, feel free to suggest some things that you would think would be in Hunter and Edric's room.} a couple of posters of different bands that we both liked on the wall, and there were pictures of us and my family on the wall and dressers.

Then there was a little perch in the corner with some other bird stuff for Flapjack, then we had two beds on either side of the room with two nightstands and two dressers and in the middle of the room up against the wall there was a desk and chair. "This is amazing Hunter, where did you get all of this stuff?" He smiled, "Well, Darius and your dad helped, also Eda and King found some stuff for us." I gave him a peck on the cheek and said, "I love it." 

After a while of just sitting in our room talking, I saw that it was already time for dinner at my mom's place, and even thought I'd rather not go, I had to because we wouldn't be seeing her for almost three months since we were living with our dad and Darius for the summer. So, I gave Hunter a kiss goodbye and told him that I would see him tomorrow, I would invite him but mom doesnt like him and she would just report him to Belos and I can't let him go back to that monster.

When I got to Blight Manor, I walked inside to see Em and Amity talking to our mother. "Edric, good to see you finally are joining us for dinner." My mom smiled and then led us into the dining room. We all took our seats and waited to be served by the abominations, "So, how was everyone's last day of school?" Em turned to face our mom and said, "It was great, we took our end of the year exams." Just then the abominations brought out our food.

"I hope you passed, you know I only want you to do the best in life." Mom said, and then Emira just smiled and nodded. "How about you Edric? How do you think you did on the exam?" I took a sip of my drink and said, "Yea, im pretty sure I passed." She smiled and then looked over at Amity, "I'm sure Amity did just fine in her exams, you always do." Amity looked at her and then at Em and me, kind of like she felt bad about what our mom was saying.

The rest of our dinner was uneventful, most of it was our mother comparing Emira and I to Amity and saying how great she was, after dinner Amity apologized to us for not saying anything to defend us, but we told her it was fine and that it wasn't her fault that our mother only looks for perfection from us.

We then all went upstairs to our rooms and started packing our bags since we would be leaving for our dad's house in the morning.

Authors Note: Sorry I said that I would upload the other night, and then never did. I honestly, I've been kind of busy the past few days because we have been celebrating my 23rd Birthday since Wednesday of last week, which was my actual birthday and yea sorry about that, but here is an update. What else do you think would be in Hunter and Edric's room if they shared a room? Oh, and who's excited about the one 44-minute episode of TOH that we get on October 15? Like I am but then we have to wait till next year for the last two. Oh, and HUNTERS HAIR!! Thats all im going to say. Have an amazing rest of your day.

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