Hunter's Birthday Special

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  Edric's POV

      Its currently the morning of Hunter's 17th birthday, and I've been planning a party for him since last month. Right now Hunter is out with Emira and Vinney shopping for whatever he wants, while I make sure everything is ready for his party tonight. Currently I'm out at the bakery to pick up the cake for the party. I walked into the bakery and was greeted by the lady at the counter, "Hi, what can I get for you?" She said as she smiled sweetly at me, I smiled back and said, "Hi, I'm here to pick up a cake that I ordered the other day." I said as I handed her the order form.

"Alright let me just check in the back." She took the paper and went to the back, where they kept the cakes and other bakery items. A few seconds later she came back with a box and she set it down in front of me. "Here you are." I opened the box to see what the cake looked like, it was a cute and simple cake that I think Hunter will like. I closed up the box and payed the lady then left.

 I closed up the box and payed the lady then left

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{This is what I imagine the cake looking like.}

When I got back to the house, I put the cake on the counter and went back to decorating the living room, Darius and my dad had already done a lot of it so it was almost ready. Just then I got a message from Em that said 'Hey Ed, we just got done shopping, where should we take him next?' I replied with 'Take him to visit Luz and King, he will definitely be happy to spend time with them.' After that she replied with a simple ok, and I went back to decorating.

Once we finished decorating, it was now around 4pm and the party was starting at 5:30 pm, so I had a bit of time before I had to text Em to bring Hunter back home. At around 5 I put out all of the snacks and drinks, then at 5:15 pm people started arriving and since this was a surprise party, everyone had to find somewhere to hide. I had already texted Em to bring him back, so they should be here soon. Then at 5:25 pm I saw Em, Vinney, Amity, Luz, King, and Hunter coming up to the door, so I told everyone to hide, "Darius, turn off the lights." He did and then went back to hiding.

As the door opened I could hear Hunter saying "I just don't get why yo-" and then we all popped up and yelled "SURPRISE!!" Hunter had a big smile on his face, and then he said, "Thank you." He laughed and then I said, "Ok everyone its time to party, there are drinks and food over there in the kitchen and just enjoy yourselves." Hunter walked over to me and gave me a kiss, as we pulled apart he looked at me while smiling and said, "I Love You, and thank you for this." I smiled and replied with, "I Love You to, and you know I would do anything for you."

"I know, and I would do anything for you as well." I laughed a bit and said, "Ok, enough of this sappy stuff, lets party." He laughed a bit and said, "Ok, come on lets dance." We had grabbed some apples blood and then started dancing with the rest of our friends. By 10 pm the party was winding down and Hunter and I had found ourselves locked away in our room, we just wanted somewhere quiet to talk and also so I could give him his gift {Not that type of gift, get your minds out of the gutter.}

We were sitting on my bed and I had grabbed a box out of my nightstand, I then handed it to him, "Happy Birthday, I don't know if you'll like it but when I saw it at the store, I knew I had to get it for you." He picked up the box and opened it, it was a charm bracelet with an E on it.

" He picked up the box and opened it, it was a charm bracelet with an E on it

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"Edric, I love it, thank you so much." I took the bracelet and put it on his wrist, "It looks lovely on you." He smiled and then gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Ok, now can we go eat some more cake?" I asked and then he laughed and said, "Of course, come on." He sat up and then extended a hand to help me up. Then he led me out of our room and into the kitchen where the cake was. Tonight was definitely lots of fun.

{Thank you so much for 14k reads, I appreciate it a lot that you are reading my story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have an amazing Morning, Afternoon, or Night.}

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