New Couple Alert

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Edric's POV

Hunter and I were sitting in the kitchen eating cereal and talking about our plans for the day, while Amity and Luz were scrolling through pentstagram. "Luz, look." Amity said while showing Luz the screen, "Did you know about them getting together?" Luz shook her head as she ate another spoonful of cearal, "Who are you talking about?" I asked looking up at Amity. She then turned her scroll towards Hunter and I, "They look cute together." I said as I looked at a picture of Gus and Mattholumule smiling at the camera and the caption said 'We've been keeping a secret.' With the hashtag #Boyfriends .

Hunter just smiled and said "Yea, they look good together." He then went back to eating and Amity went back to talking to Luz. I turned to Hunter and said "So, what do you want to do first?" He smiled and said "How about you go have fun with your friends today and I get back to the castle before Belos litterly kills me for being late." My smile faded as he said that. "Ok, but call me later, ok?" He smiled while getting up from the chair and kissing me on the cheek, "I will, bye Ed, By Luz, Amity." He said as he waved bye to them.

Later on after breakfast, Amity,Luz and Emira had went into town to hang out, and we were meeting up with Gus and Mattholomule. When we got into town, we walked over to the Ice Scream shop where we were meeting Gus and Mattholumule at, we saw them sitting outside at one of the tables talking.

As soon as we walked up to the table, they saw us and said "Hey, guys." I waved and said "Hey." I walked inside with Emira and went to get our Ice Scream's. "Hello, welcome, what can I get for you?" The lady behind the counter asked, "Uh, ill get one Scare cone of strawberry please." I said and then the lady looked at Emira, "Ill get a cup of vanilla." "Alright that will be 10 snails please." I pulled out my wallet and gave her 20 snails and said "The extra snails are for whatever the girl with the purple hair and her girlfriend order." She smiled and put the snails in the register and then she started getting our ice screams.

Emira and I went back outside to sit with Gus and his boyfriend, "So, how did this happen?" I said as I took a bite of my Ice Scream {I know it sounds weird but I mean more of a lick of the Ice cream not a bite, I don't know why I wrote that he bit it.} "Well, after what happened at the looking glass ruins, Matt and I got to know each other a bit more and then one day he asked me out, and I said yes and that's how we got here. {In the story Gus is not 12 he's 14 because felt weird having a 14 year old and a 12 year old dating, and Matt is also 14 even thought it says he is 13 in the show. I hope that made sense I'm trying to finish the chapter at like 9:2 pm.}

I smiled and said "Well, that's awesome."Just then Amity and Luz came walking out of the Ice scream shop and sat down at the table with us. We all at our Ice scream and then decided to go and look around at the shops, the first shop I decided to check out a shop that had these cute stuffed animals in it and I wanted to get Hunter a present for our next date.

I walked into the shop and went over to the shelf that had the stuffed teddy bears on it, I picked up a green one because I wanted it to remind him of me when he looked at it or held it, I know that sounds a bit weird but I think that its sweet. I grabbed the teddy bear and took it to the cashier, "Will that be all for you?" "Yes." He placed it in a bag and I handed him the snails, he then gave me the bag and I walked back out of the store and went to find Emira and everyone else.

Authors Note: Sorry for the late chapter, I was out doing things yesterday and then today I was hanging out with my friend. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you have a nice day/Night/ or morning. Also again sorry if i misspelled Matt's name.

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