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{First off, I would like to say that this chapter is completely separate from the story, it's just a special Christmas 2-part mini story. Ok that's all, enjoy the story.}

Edric's POV

      Currently I was out with Em searching for a perfect Christmas present for Hunter, so far, I was failing at finding anything. So, I decided that maybe I should just make him something for Christmas, instead of getting something expensive or something that he won't even use often or wear often. I told Em that we should go to the craft store, so that I could get some stuff.

Once we got to the craft store, we walked in and instantly I knew what I was going to make, so I walked around the store with Em and got all the things I needed then I paid, and we headed back home.

When we got home, I told Em that I needed her help making the gift and she happily agreed, we headed into my room and it was great timing because Hunter was out with Luz and Amity at a new coffee shop that had just opened and was having a special deal for Christmas Eve, so I had some time to make his present before he got home.

After around a half an hour later, the cup was finished, and Hunter had messaged me that they would be home in 15 minutes. I grabbed the cup and placed it under the desk where it would be hidden and also so that it could still dry.

"WE'RE HOME!" I heard as the door slammed shut, Em and I walked out of my room and saw Hunter, Luz and Amity standing in the living room with some baked goods in a bag that Hunter was holding, "Hey, did you guys have fun?" "Yea, they had some really good chocolate muffins." Luz said as she finished drinking her hot chocolate. 

"We brought some muffins, cookies and Luz picked out these sweet breads, she said that there really good. Hunter said as he put the bag on the table in the kitchen. "My mom and I love getting these back in the human realm, so it was awesome to see that this new bakery had them. They're called Pan dulce and there really tasty.

I smiled and said, "I think I'll try one." I walked over to the table and grabbed one out of the bag and took a bite, "These are good." "Told you." Luz said as she took a seat on the couch next to Amity. I checked the time and saw that it was already around 5 pm, and I remembered that I was going to help my dad with a new invention of his before dinner time.

"Ok, im taking this to go. I have to go help dad with his new invention before dinner tonight, so I'll be back." I was about to head out the door when I heard Hunter say, "Wait, so your dad is still working on inventions in the basement of your moms house?" I looked at Emira and Amity and then back at Hunter.

"Well, yea. Mom wanted to keep making money off of these inventions and dad was all for it as long as she promised that he got half of the earnings and that she kept it civil between them." He nodded his head and then I went on my way.

After I got done with helping with the invention, dad and I made our way home and picked up Pizza for dinner. It was either pizza or Chinese for dinner and we were already having Chinese food for Christmas.

The rest of the night was filled with eating pizza and me trying to wrap Hunter's gift without him noticing.

The next morning, I was up by 8 am and to my Suprise everyone else was up as well, so we all gathered into the living room to open presents. I sat down next to Hunter on the couch as my dad and Darius passed out presents.

We were halfway through opening presents, when Hunter got to my gift that I made for him. He opened it up and when he saw what was painted onto the cup, he smiled, "Did you paint this?" I nodded my head a bit in disappointment because I thought he didn't like it, but then he hugged me and said that he loved it. I had painted a picture of Flapjack on the cup because I knew he would love it.

"I love it, thank you Edric." "I'm glad you liked it, I didn't know what to get you and then I thought about what you might like if I were to make you something and this came to my mind." He looked at me and smiled before giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I loved it." 

After we were finished with opening gifts, Hunter and I decided to bake and decorate cookies, so we headed to the kitchen and got to baking. Em, Amity and our dad were all playing the new board game that Em had gotten for Christmas from Darius, and Darius was playing a new game that Hunter had bought him.

After we were finished baking and decorating the cookies, we all decided to sit around the fire and just spend time with each other, "Hey, dad? I thought mom was coming tonight?" He sighed and said, "She, called earlier and said that she couldn't make it, I didn't want to bring it up because I saw that you all were having so much fun and I didn't want to ruin it. I'm sorry." 

I smiled and said, "No, it's ok. We can go and visit her tomorrow, right Em? Mittens?" They both looked at each other and then Em said, "Yea, we can do that." I smiled and then we all went back to just talking about different things. The rest of night we just sat around the fire and talked until we got tired and eventually went to bed.

Authors Note: Hi, first off thank you for almost 17k reads on this story, I appreciate it so much. Second of all, I know I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I was too tired last night, and we had family staying over so it was kind of hectic. Anyways Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Goodnight.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin