The Annoucement

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Edric's POV

"Do you have any idea why dad wanted us to come to a fancy restaurant for dinner tonight?" I whispered to Emira , "No, but do you think it has anything to do with a certain person he's with?" I scrunched my face and thought for a second, "Wait, do you think he wants to tell us that him and Darius are getting married?" She nodded her head. See, at the moment Hunter, Amity, Emira and I are all out to dinner with Darius and my dad. "Kids, Darius and I would like to make an announcement. Darius and I are engaged." Emira and I jumped up and hugged our dad and Darius "That's amazing."

We let go of them and then sat back down, "I'm happy for you two." Hunter said while Amity got up hug our dad and Darius. "Thank you, oh and Edric, I would like for you to be my best man, of course if you want to." "Um, yea obviously." He laughed and then Darius said, "Hunter, would you do me the honor of being my best man?" Hunter looked at him and smiled, "Me? Are you sure?" "Yes, there is no one else i would rather have be my best man." Hunter nodded his head and said, "Of course, I would love to." I smiled at how happy he was. "Amity, we would like for you to be our ring bearer."  Dad said.

"Yea, ill be your ring bearer." "Thank you." Then dad turned to Emira and said, "Emira, we're gonna need some help with planning the ceremony and all that, so are you up for it?" Emira smiled and said, "Yes." Dad and Darius laughed at how eager she was.

The rest of the dinner was spent talking about the details of the wedding and what they needed to get done before the big day.

Authors Note: Sorry for the kind of short chapter, oh and for it being late. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you have an amazing night.

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