We Can Make This Work

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    Edric's POV

        I ran off into the woods and was currently sitting down on a stump that I found, I then heard Emira calling my name, "EDRIC, WHERE ARE YOU? PLEASE I JUST WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" I stayed where I was and eventually I could hear footsteps coming near me. "Edric, there you are." "Yep, you found me. Are you here to tell me what a bad idea it was to kiss Hunter?" She took a seat next to me, "How did you know I was there?" "I knew you wouldn't miss an opportunity to see what was going on." She looked at me and said "Edric, Hunter wants to know that your ok, he was worried when you bolted out the door."

Hunter, why did I just leave him like that? "I'm sorry, i just got scared, i mean what if mom finds out? She'll kill me or worse Hunter." Emira faced me and put both hands on my shoulders, "Mom is not going to find out, ok? I'm going to help you and Hunter be together because if that's what makes you happy then its worth it." I hugged Emira tightly, "Thank you." She smiled and hugged back.

{Meanwhile back with Hunter at the Owl House}

Hunter's POV

     I sat back down on the floor of Luz's room and watched as Luz and Amity were talking and as Willow and Gus were practicing there magic, I sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest again feeling worse than before. What if Edric doesnt even want to be together now? His mom cant keep us apart forever, its his life and he should be with whoever he wants to be with. I was lost in thought when I felt someone sit down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see that it was Luz.

"Hey, Hunter? Are you ok?" I was getting really tired of people asking me this but it was also comforting since no one in the castle ever asks how I am anyways so I cant complain, "Edric said that he liked me back, but he's afraid about what his mom will do if she finds out." At the mention of her mother, Amity came over and sat on the other side of me. "Hunter, do you really like my brother? And by like I mean really like him?" I looked over at her and said "Yes, of course I do, he has been the only person who has been there for me through everything these past few days, he's listened to me when no one else would and I feel like I can just be myself with him."  She smiled.

"You know, before when Edric first mentioned you and when mom first grounded him for hanging out with you, I didn't trust you especially with everything that happened at eclipse lake, but I can tell that you really do care about my brother so I'm willing to help you and him sneak around to be able to be with each other." "Y-you would do that?" She nodded her head yes while smiling.

That's great, now I just have to find Edric, hopefully he's ok.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant