Your What!?

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Edric's POV

         I had just gotten back from my little movie date, if you could even call it that, but now my dad and mom are calling a family meeting so I went to get Em and Amity from there rooms and now were sitting in the living room with our parents standing in front of us. "Kids, we called this meeting to discuss something with all of you." My dad spoke up first, then my mom said, "I just want you kids to know that this was not my decision, it was your fathers." She looked directly at him when she said that it was not her decision.

"Alright, ill start by saying that, we both love you all and this doesnt change any of that." Em looked at him and said, "Wait, it sounds like you two are getting a divorce or something." Our parents looked at eachother and then back at us, "Well, that's what we wanted to tell you. We are getting a divorce." "Your what!?" I said, I mean I know that they fight about almost everything, but I didnt realize that it was that bad.

"Weve been talking, and yes I am the main one who wants the divorce, but we need you all to understand that no matter what we are all still a family." I looked over at both of my sisters and saw that Amity looked like she was about to say something, but instead she just sat there and looked down at her shoes. My parents just stood there staring at us, waiting for one of us to react to what they just said. Like I said, this isn't something that I didn't see coming, but at the same time it wasn't exactly something I thought would happen any time soon.

I at least thought they would have waited until Amity turned 18 and didn't have to choose which parent to live with. "So what now?" I asked, "Well, your mother will be keeping the manor, and I will be moving out, now we think that it's best if you stay here with your mother so that you may continue school, and on the weekends you may come to stay with me." I shook my head, "I'm not staying with her!" He looked at me in shock and said, "Edric, it's only until the school year is over, and then if you would like to, you can stay with me over the summer."

I put my head down and didn't say another word, "Girls, are you fine with staying the week here and then spending the weekend at my place?" Em and Amity nodded there heads, "May I be excused from this meeting now?" My dad nodded his head and I went up to my room. How could this be happening? I have to call Hunter.

Authors Note: I know I said this would be out last night but, I don't know exactly what happened, I may have gotten distracted at some point and forgot all about it but here it is now. Have a nice Morning/Afternoon or Night. Oh and thank you for reading.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя