First Day

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Hunter's POV

     I'll admit, I'm kind of nervous to be attending a real school, usually Belos just had teachers home school me. I've never really been allowed to attend a real school and be with other kids my age. Though I am excited be going to school with Edric.

I finish packing my bag and then I grab my crystal ball and sit on my bed to call Edric. It rings for a few seconds before he picks up, I see him on the other side wearing his uniform and he smiles when he sees me, "Hey, Hunter." I smile and say "Hey, you look cute in your uniform." He blushes and says "Thanks, I can't wait to see you in yours." He winks at me, and I can feel my face getting red.

He laughs a bit and then says, "So, are you ready for your first day at Hexside?" I smile again "Yea, I can't wait to pick a track and be able to just be with other kids my age." He smiles, "That's great, I have to go, Amity and Emira are waiting downstairs for me to walk to school with them. Bye, I'll see you at school ok." "Yea, ill see you there, bye." He ends the call and I get my stuff and head out of my room to see Belos before I leave.

I knock on the door to my uncle's room and walk in, "Sir, ill be leaving for school now." He looked down at me and said "Ok, remember your mission, make sure you collect whatever information you can on the human and report back me once your home." I nod and leave the room. I then make my way out of the castle and to Hexside.

Once I arrived at Hexside I saw Edric hanging out with his sister Emira and her girlfriend Vinney on the steps in front of the school. I walked over to them and smiled, waving to Edric "Edric, hey." He looked over at me and smiled while getting up from the steps and running up to me, "Hunter!" He engulfed me into a hug and then kissed my cheek. "Well, hello to you to." He blushed as he let go of me.

"Sorry, I just got excited to see you." He laughed, I smiled at him, "Im happy to see you to." "Ahemm, Hello? Were here to." I snapped my head over to where Emira and Vinney were on the steps, "Oh, hey guys." Emira smiled and got up to hug me while Vinney sat there smiling and waving. "So, Edric tells me that your Hexsides newest student?" I said "Yea, I start today. Which reminds me can you guys show me where the principal's office is? I need to get my schedule and pick my track." Edric and Emira were standing side by side now and Edric said "We would love to help you Goldie." 

We all walked into the school as Edric guided me to principal Bumps office, Emira and Vinney trailing behind us. After a few minutes of walking we came to a stop in front of an office door that said 'Front Office' on it. "Here we are. Id walk in with you but uh were not always on his good side, and this week were not on his good side." I laughed and shook my head, "Ok, can you at least wait out here for me?" He smiled and said "Of course." He then gave me a kiss on the forehead before I walked into the office.

Edric and I had decided that we would rather not keep our relationship hidden at school since no one knew who I was out of uniform anyways so it wouldn't matter. I walked up to the principal's office and knocked on the door, "Come in." I heard him say from the other side. I walked in and saw the principal sitting at his desk doing some paperwork. "Ah, you must be the new kid. Hunter, was it?" I smiled and took a seat "Yes, sir." "Alright, and what track would you like to take?" I thought for a minute and then decided, "The illusionist track please." I wanted to take the same track as Edric, not only because I would get to spend time with him, but also because I actually like Illusions.

"Ok, so let me do your uniform." He said as he waved his hands and my uniform appeared on me. It was the same as Edric's and Emira's. "Alright, that's it. Here is a list of your classes, do you need someone to show you around?" "No thank you sir, I have someone to show me around." He smiled and told me to have a great first day. I left the office and walked out to Edric waiting for me, but Emira and Vinney were nowhere in site.

"Where did Emira and Vinney go?" He looked at me and said "They went off to make out in a closet or something, I don't know really, how did it go? I see you picked my track?" He smirked, "Yea, I did. And no it wasn't because of you, well not completely. I actually like Illusions and I wanted to master them." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "Well, im happy that you found a track that you like. Now which class do you have first?" I gave him my schedule to look at and then he led me to our first class.

At lunch time I sat next to Edric, who was sitting with some of his and Emira's friends. There was Vinney, Jerbo, and Barcus. I was talking with everyone when I heard Luz calling my name, she was sitting with Amity, Willow, and Gus at the table across from us. "Hunter! Hi." I rolled my eyes and then said "Ill be right back." Edric nodded his head and went back to the conversation. I got up and walked over to Luz, "Yes?" "Hi, how are you liking your first day here?" I smiled and said "Its good, I made a few new friends." She smiled "That's great." We talked for a few seconds more and then I left back to sit with Edric again.

After school was finished I said my goodbyes to Emira, and Vinney and then pulled Edric aside, "Ill call you later, ok." "Wait. Cant you hang out just for a bit?" I looked at him and said "Im sorry, I have to get back to the castle, and give my report back to Belos." I whispered the last part so that Emira and Vinney couldnt hear me. "Ok, ill see you tomorrow." I kissed him on the cheek and waved bye to Vinney and Emira.

I left and made my way to the castle. Once I got back, I made my way into Belos's throne room, "Hi, sir. I'm back from school."  "What do you have to report for today?" He said, "Nothing much sir, the human was just hanging out with her friends and attending classes. Nothing more, although I do think that if I were able to hang out with her and her friends after school then maybe I would be able to get inside information on her. It's just a suggestion." He looked at me and said "Perhaps, you should try to spend time with the human and her friends." I tried to contain a smile, "Yes, sir. I will approach them tomorrow and see if I can make friends with them." "Good, now go to your room and prepare for your guard duty's tonight." I nodded and walked out of the room and up to my room.

I got into my room and locked the door, then I laid back onto the bed and smiled to myself as Flapjack made his way out of his hiding spot and over to me. I decided to take a nap before my patrol. Today was one of the most amazing days of my life.

Authors Note: Sorry for the long chapter but I wanted to fit as much as I could about his first day at school, Oh and what is your guy's opinion on Mattholomule and Gus getting together? Of course, Gus will be aged up in the story if I put them together because I know he's currently only 12 but yea he would be aged up to 14 like the rest of them. I just wanted to give Gus someone and currently I've been reading a lot of fanfics with them, and yea give me your opinion if I should add them into the story. Thanks for reading.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora