A Cute Baby And A Fear Of Waterslides?

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Edric's POV

     It was the next morning and the first official day of our vacation, so naturally we thought it would be fun to go to the waterpark that was located next to the hotel. Hunter seemed a bit hesitant this morning when he agreed that our first thing to do on vacation would be going to the waterpark, but im hoping that he was just still waking up this morning.

I came out of the bathroom and walked over to where Hunter was sitting at the table talking to Flapjack on his crystal ball, Flapjack is staying with Eda and King while we are all on vacation. "Ok, Flapjack I have to go, but I miss you and I'll be back soon." I popped into the frame of the crystal ball and said, "Hi, Flapjack, hey Eda." Eda waved and said, "Hey, kids how are you all doing?" I smiled and waved back, "Good, we were actually just on our way out to the waterpark." "Sounds fun. Well, we will leave you to that, have fun and tell Luz to call King and I later." Eda said before closing out the call.

"Ok, are you ready?" Hunter turned to me and said, "Yea, let me just grab my bag." Hunter grabbed his bag and then I grabbed mine, then we walked out of our room and went downstairs to wait in the lobby where we would be meeting up with the girls, Dad and Darius. When we got into the lobby of the hotel, we sat down at one of the tables and waited for everyone to come downstairs.

While waiting a lady and her baby had sat down next to us, I whispered to Hunter about how adorable the baby was and, yea I know it was probably weird to say but I looked over at the lady and said, "Your baby is adorable." She smiled and said, "Thank you." I turned back to Hunter, and he said, "You know, you would look very cute with a baby." I laughed and said, "Shut up." To which he replied with, "What? You would."

After a few minutes of waiting, Dad, Darius and the girls came downstairs, and we all left for the waterpark. When we got to the waterpark, we found somewhere to sit and set our stuff down, then Hunter and I decided to go to one of the waterslides while the girls went to the lazy river and Darius and Dad stayed to relax at our seats.

When Hunter and I had reached the first water slide, I noticed that he had stopped at the entrance to the stairs, so I asked, "Hunter? Are you ok?" He then looked up at the people who were on the very top of the stairs waiting for their turns to go down the slide and instantly he looked back at me and looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

"I-I cant do it." He said as he ran off back in the direction of where the cabana was, I then chased after him and yelled out his name in hopes that he would stop running so that we could talk. I finally caught up to him and found him sitting in the corner of the cabana. I looked towards where Darius and Dad were sitting and they looked concerned, "What happened?" Darius asked, "When we got to the first water slide he looked like he started having a panic attack and then he said that he couldn't do it, then he ran off."

"I probably should have mentioned that he has a fear of heights. Yes I know weird coming from a kid who was the right hand man to Belos." I sighed and walked over to Hunter, kneeling next to him, "Hey, why didn't you just tell me you had a fear of heights? I would have never suggested going on the water slides if that was the case." He looked up at me with tears streaming down his face, I moved closer to him and wiped the tears off of his face for him. "I'm sorry, I know you must think I'm acting like a child crying about something so stupid."

I kissed his cheek and said, "Its not stupid, its normal to have fears, your not expected to act tough and brave anymore. Next time just tell me if your scared of doing something and we wont do it, ok?" He sniffled and then smiled at me, "Ok, and thank you, sometimes I forget that I'm not under his control anymore." I kissed his nose and he laughed. "Come on, we can go hang out with the girls at the lazy river." I stood up and reached my hand out for him to take.

He gave me his hand and I pulled him up, then we made our way over to the lazy river where we spent most of the day just relaxing and hanging out with Luz, Amity and Em. All in all we had a pretty fun day.

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