Emira's Crush?

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{Edric's POV}

I was laying on my bed in my room listening to Emira go on and on about Vinney, they both like each other but wont tell each other. Ive told Emira to just go for it because i knew Vinney liked her back, but she couldn't do it, she feels like she might ruin her friendship with Vinney if she doesnt like her back. "Em, just tell her already, I mean you have been talking about her non stop for the past few months. Just call her and ask her out, please." I rolled over onto my stomachs to look at her, she was sitting on my desk chair, "I cant, what if I ruin what we have? Our friendship could be over forever if she doesn't feel the same way." I could see how upset she was getting just thinking about it.

"Fine, do you want me to tell you how she really feels about you?" I sighed and looked her as she stared at me confused, "What? How do you know how she feels about me?" I smirked and said 'Duh, she told me. It was a couple of weeks ago and we were hanging out when out of no where she asked me if you were interested in anyone, I said no of course because I feel like I would be letting to much out if I said that you were. So I asked her if she was interested in anyone and she told me that she's had a crush on you for a while now but didn't want to tell you because she wasn't sure how you felt."

She stared at me shocked and said "Wait, so she feels the same?" "Yes, of course she does. Have you seen the way she acts around you? Always so nervous when you look at her and she's always staring at you when you look away." Emira smiled and said "R-really? OMG! SHE LIKES ME!!!!" She said while jumping up from the chair and squealing excitedly. I rolled my eyes and then said "Go and ask her out already." I sat up from my bed and she came over to me and hugged me saying "Thank you, your the best brother ever." I sighed as she left my room and then I plopped back down onto my bed.

{Hunter's POV}

I was stuck in my room, for the third day. The only time I've gone out is the two times Belos has trusted me to go on patrol, even then I had Kikimora watching my every move. I was more like a prisoner, well more than usual. I sat at my desk writing another letter to Edric, we have been using Flapjack as a messenger bird for our letters since we cant see each other for another three days.

I finished writing my letter and rolled it up to give it to Flapjack, he put it in his beak and then flew off to the Blight's manor.

{Edric's POV}

I was still laying on my bed when I heard a pecking at my window, I got up and walked over to see Flapjack hovering by the window outside of my bedroom. I opened the window and Flapjack flew over to my desk and dropped the letter. I picked it up and it said

Dear, Edric,

Hey, sorry I didn't send a letter yesterday, I was caught up with something. Don't worry, everything is fine, I promise. Only three more days and we can see each other again, hopefully Kikimora wont be watching me as much, I swear she has it out to get me even though I've done nothing to her. It's purely just because I exist. Anyways enough about that, how are you? Are you doing ok? I miss you, I know it sounds cheesy to miss someone after only three days but I do, you really are the only person who cares about me. I promise after I'm ungrounded ill take you on a proper date, ill just have to be undercover but it will be worth it. Bye for now.

Love, Hunter

He's so cute, and no I don't think its cheesy to miss someone after only three days of being apart because truths is I miss him as well. I picked up a piece of paper and a pen to write back to him. I wrote,

Dear, Hunter

I'm fine, but how are you? Are you ok? I hope so, anyways I don't think that its cheesy at all to miss someone after only a couple of days, truth is I also miss you and cant wait to see you and hug you again, amongst other things. Also I would love to go on a proper date with you, I'm sure it will be fun. And yes only three more days, I cant wait. Until then don't miss me to much.

Love, Edric

I rolled the paper up and gave it to Flapjack so that he could take it back to Hunter, I gave the small red bird a pat on the head and watched as he flew out of the window back to the castle.

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