Please Dont Do This

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Hunter's POV

I was walking to school with Emira and Amity when my scroll started to buzz, I took it out of my pocket and read the text that I had gotten and saw that it was from Hunter.

[Text between Hunter and Edric]

Hunter: Hey, I'm sorry I cant make it to school today, I have some guard duty's to take care of and after yesterday I need to be on Belos's good side

Edric: Ok, ill see you tomorrow then. I Love You.

Hunter: Typing......

Hunter: Read

Hm, I wonder why he didn't answer? Eh I'm sure he's fine, I put my scroll back into my pocket and then continued walking with my sisters to school.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast since it was boring without Hunter there. After school I met up with Amity and Luz since Emira said that she was going to hang out with Vinney at her house and I wasn't invited so I decided just to hang out with Amity and her friends after school. I was sitting next to Willow and Gus while Amity and Luz were fangirling over the Azura book they were reading for the millionth time.

I was talking to Gus and Willow when Willow's scroll started buzzing, she then looked at it and said "Oh, its Hunter. He sa-uh you know what nevermind." I looked at her as she was trying to message back fast. "Willow? What did he say?" She sent the reply and then put her scroll back in her bag. "Nothing, he's fine. He just wanted to know if I could bring him his homework from today." "Why didnt he just ask me? I am his boyfriend." She sighed.

"He just doesnt want to see you right now." I could feel my heart breaking at those words, why wouldnt my own boyfriend want to see me? "I-I didnt mean it like that, I mean he doesnt want you to see him because it would put you in danger with Belos." "Why would I be in danger with Belos, if he should be worried about anyone it should be himself." Willow looked at me and said "Edric, Belos know's about you and Hunter. That's why he cant be at school." I got up and walked over to one of the benches in front of the school.

I pulled out my scroll and texted Hunter again

Edric: Hey, we need to talk, why is Willow saying that Belos found out? Did he? Is that why he did what he did yesterday?

Hunter: I'm sorry, yea Kikimora had a picture of us kissing on her scroll and she showed him, and yea that's why he did what he did to me. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would try to do something to see me and I cant put you in danger.

Edric: So, what are you saying? You don't think we should see each other anymore?

Hunter: I think its for the best, now that Belos knows, he's gonna make my life a living hell if I continue to be with you and Kikimora will be watching my every move. I'm sorry, I know this is gonna hurt you but it also hurts me so much.

Edric: Then don't do it. Who cares what he says or does, lets just take off together we can live in the woods if we have to I don't care as long as I'm with you.

Hunter: Seen

Edric: Please Hunter, don't do this. Please!

Hunter: Seen

I started crying because I didn't want this to happen, I ran as fast as I could back home and ran up to my room ignoring any questions my parents were asking me, I got into my room and locked the door grabbing my crystal ball. I started calling Hunter but after three tries there was no answer. I sat on my bed crying and hugging a sweater that Hunter had given me.

A few minutes later I heard Emira calling my name, so I stood up and unlocked the door to let her in. "Edric, Amity told me what happened, oh and here she said you dropped your scroll when you ran off." I hugged her as tightly as I could and she did the same, "It's gonna be ok Ed, its going to be just fine ok?" She led me over to the bed and we sat down. I tried to take a deep breath so that I could talk to her, but the tears just kept coming.

So instead I just my head on Emira's shoulder while she hugged me. Eventually I tired myself out and ended up falling asleep on my bed while Emira sat with me, making sure I was ok and didn't do anything stupid.

Authors Note: So, yea that happened, sorry about that. Good news though this story is going into a direction that will be similar to how season three ended but better and less sad. Don't worry Edric and Hunter will come back together its just gonna take some time. Anyways thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day.

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