Will You Be My Valentines

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Edric's POV

I was currently setting up a special suprise for Hunter, since tomorrow is Valentines day. My plan was to put some rose petals starting at the front door leading all the way to our room at my dads house, then I set up a sign and a few of Hunter's favorite snacks. Hunter is supposed to be home in about 5 minutes so I was just making sure everything was perfect.

I was standing in our room playing with Flapjack, when I heard the front door open, then I heard Hunter say, "What in the world?" I laughed a little but then heard him coming towards the door, so I stayed quiet.

"Edric?" He opened the door and walked in, "I knew you had something to do with this." He said as I walked towards him, "Well, I thought since tomorrow is valentines day I would..." I grabbed the sign off of the table and held it up to him, "Ask if you wanted to be my valentines?" He smiled and said, "Of course, id love to." He leaned in and kissed me, when we pulled away, I grabbed the bag of snacks and gave them to Hunter, "I also got you some snacks." He laughed at how excited I was for giving him his snacks.

I sat down on my bed after I had given Hunter his bag, "So, what are we doing for Valentine's Day? I'm excited, I've never really celebrated it with anyone before, Luz has told me some stuff about it." I smiled and said, "Well, we could go out to dinner, or if you want we can stay in and have dinner here." "Can we stay in?" He said, "Sounds good. How about I pick up some pizza and cake before I come over tomorrow?" He smiled and nodded his head yes.

I laughed as he walked over to where I was sitting, I pulled him in closer to me and kissed him gently, "I love you." "I love you to." He said as we pulled away from each other.

{Skip to the next day}

Hunter's POV

      Ed said he would be home in about 5 minutes, he was just picking up the pizza and dessert for our valentines date tonight. I'm so excited, I've never celebrated with a 'special someone' as Luz puts it. I cant wait to spend time with him tonight. I was passing the time by giving watching Flapjack play with the new bird toys I got him for Valentine's Day, which was a bird swing and a chew toy for him to play with, which I think he loves.

A few minutes later I hear the front door open, so I go towards the living room and see Edric standing by the door with a pizza and a bag of stuff, "Oooo, what did you get?" "A surprise for you, and cake." I laughed as we made our way into our room, "Alright so, we have pizza, cake and cookies." He said as he laid everything out on the desk. "Also, these are for you." He handed me some flowers, "I asked Willow for help making these for you." "I love them, thank you Ed."

He smiled then said, "Ok, lets eat."  At first we ate in silence and then we started talking about a bunch of different things and we were laughing so much that I didn't even notice when Emira opened the door, "Oh, hey what are you doing home? I thought you had plans with Vinney tonight?" "I do, I just came home to change. I was just letting you know that I was going now." She turned to leave and Edric said, "Ok, have fun."

We had finished our food and sweets, so we decided that it was time to end our night off with a movie in the living room since no one was home tonight. "Ok, so what movie do you want to see? I have Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince? Or Finding Nemo?" "Harry Potter." He squealed and started the movie. He really loves Harry Potter and if he loves it then i do to.

Halfway through the movie, Edric had asked me if i shipped Harry and Draco and of course I said yes because how can you not? Its a great ship in my opinion. {Sorry if you don't ship them, its just my opinion and I really wanted to add it into the story sorry} We were almost done with the movie when Edric had fallen asleep on my shoulder, which I let him because he had been out most of the day working with Eda the owl lady, so I slowly fell asleep as well.

{Sorry this chapter was an extra few days late, but what's important is that its up now. I hope you have an amazing Day/Afternoon/ or Night. Thank you for reading.}

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें