New Year's Eve Pt.2

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Edric's POV

      We all had finally made it to the party, and Hunter and I were dancing and hanging out with some of our friends from school. Em had gone off with Vinney, while King was off with Luz and Amity, most likely raiding Jerbo's fridge for more food. "ARE YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME?" Hunter yelled over the very loud music, "YEA, IM HAVING A GREAT TIME." I replied while smiling and taking another sip from my cup of Apples blood.

At around 11:30pm, Luz, Amity, King, Em and Vinney met us in the living room of Jerbo's house to get ready for the countdown to midnight, so for about 25 minutes we all talked about what our goals were for the New Year and how we should spend the rest of our winter break, just then Jerbo yelled out that it was time to countdown to midnight, so there we stood 1 minute to midnight, also not to mention that this would be Hunter and I's first New Year's kiss and I'm determined to make it a good one.

"10...9...8" As everyone was counting down around me, I couldnt help but feel overly happy about the year I've had, mostly because I found someone who genuinely gets me and supports me through everything, "7...6...5" I don't know what I would do without him. "4...3...2" At that moment with it being one second away from a New Year, Hunter and I locked eyes and we both smiled.

"1..HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" We shouted along with the crowd and then we both leaned in and kissed. As we pulled away, I looked Hunter in the eyes and said, "Thank you for making this the best year of my life." He smiled and said, "Thank you for making it the best year ever, if it weren't for you and everyone else, then I would still be stuck with him. So, thank you." He hugged me and said, "I love you." "I love you to" I said as we pulled away.

"Happy New Year guys." Luz said from behind me, "Oh, hey guys, Happy New Year's." {Look, I know that they were all in the living room together and they would have known that the others where there but Ed and Hunter where in a moment so they kind of forgot for a few minutes} We all went in for a group hug, then when we released, I grabbed Hunter's hand and squeezed it, he smiled and we went on with our night dancing, talking and having fun with all of our friends.

Author's Note: First off thank you for 18k reads, I appreciate it so much. Second of all I hope you enjoy the second part of the New Year's chapter. Have an amazing Morning, Afternoon or Night.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora