Chapter 41

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I looked at Pete, confused and anxious because whatever had happened, it obviously was not good. I didn't know if I was supposed to ask him how long he had known and not told me. But all I wanted was to know what he was making such a big deal about. He didn't look very well, he probably hated that he had to be the one telling me but I knew how he felt, I also rather told people bad news myself than having them find out. Especially because, what was I going to find online?

Pete took a deep breath. "The press knows you're pregnant." My eyes almost popped out of my head as I stared at him and I could feel my heartbeat speed up. I didn't know what to do, my head was in a flurry and I couldn't think straight. "What?" What consequences was this going to have? I didn't want to be the center of attention again, not now and especially not now that I was pregnant. I didn't need any stress or anything and in the back of my mind, I was already committing to not leaving the house again until it was going to be over. "That's not even the worst part" Pete said and swallowed hard. Without evening hearing what it was, my head just fell against his chest and I started crying. Why was this happening? I wasn't famous, I wasn't anything, why would the press care for me and why was I a part of this? I sobbed and I cried and Pete wrapped his arms around me tightly, trying to comfort me and I didn't know if I wanted to really know what the thing was that Pete apparently found even worse. What could possibly be worse? Obviously, there were already negative things, about me being pregnant, online or Pete wouldn't have been so down and then, careful about me.

"What's worse?" I asked but my voice was just a hint and almost not audible. "Well, I'm aware that this makes absolutely no sense and that that's a reason to not take it seriously and just ignore it but all the stuff ... the gossip sites are saying, they're speculating that it's not from me. Because ... you know, we were apart and people knew that. So now they're calling you all kinds of things and they're even saying that it's..." "Benji's?" I asked, starting to cry harder. Pete nodded but he kept his arms around me, kissing the top of my head and stroking my back. "Charlie, I'm so sorry. I don't know how they found out, I've been looking at a lot of pictures of us from the past few weeks and there's nothing that could possibly give away that you're pregnant. But they're all stating it as a sure fact and I don't know who possibly could've told them."

I swallowed hard and pulled away from Pete, taking my phone. "No!" he said and put his hands around mine on the phone. "Let me show you something else first." "No, I want to see for myself." "You really don't, let me show you something else before you look at all that crap." I sighed and dropped my phone back down, staring at him, starting to get slightly annoyed, not with him and I didn't want to take it out on him but everything was frustrating me right now. He took out his own phone from the pocket of his skinnies and opened something, then he turned it and handed it to me. "Read those." "What's that?" I asked. "The comments under an online news show reporting you're pregnant and only that, nothing bad." I took a deep breath and read through the comments.

I'm so happy for Pete and Charlotte because they're clearly very happy and if she's really pregnant, I wish them all the best because they've overcome their issues and have the right to be happy, just like any other celebrity.

Hearing about this, I'm thinking it could be a rumor but if it isn't, congratulations! If it didn't work out for Pete with Ashlee, I'm glad he's found somebody that makes him happy.

They're so cute together, I love this. Is it bad that I'm always stalking his instagram to see if there's photos of him and Charlie?

I ship it!

I looked up at him as I had read a lot of comments. Almost all of them were positive. I pressed my lips together, then picked up my own phone. "Remember that it does not matter at all what the press says. I love you and I'm here for you. I don't want this to drag you down. You can rise above it, I know you can." I nodded slowly, then opened my Twitter. I had already taken a step back from most of my social media so I wouldn't get any hate for being with Pete. I still remebered being a fan of Pete and people always hating on Ashlee because she was with him and she had even had her own fans to stand up for her! I didn't have any fans, what for? When I read the tweets I was receiving, more tears ran down my cheeks.

I bet you @charmxxxxx is actually pregnant and it's not even Pete's. He deserves so much better! Pete, I'm here!

@charmxxxxx slut slut slut

@charmxxxxx who do you think you are?

I don't think that @charmxxxxx even loves Pete, she wants attention, money and fame and she's such a bitch

whenever I see a photo of @petewentz with @charmxxxxx I just want to be sick!!!1111!1 shes so ugly like charlie get out of his live your pathetic

it's so obvious that @charmxxxxx wants some attention, she clearly tipped the gossip sites herself

"These are your fans" I said, handing him my phone, it sounded like I was accusing him of something. "Yeah but so are these" he replied, pointing at his own phone. I nodded. "I know that reading the good things first was not a big help because you're more likely going to believe all the bad ones and take those to heart but you shouldn't. It's the support and the positive wishes you should be focusing on because that's what matters." "I know" I cried. "It's just ... they sometimes make me think I'm right. I often feel like I'm not enough for you, that someone better is going to come along and that you'll realise that you deserve someone better, someone who can handle press shit and someone who is also famous and someone who's just ... equal to you. You know?" He stared at me disbelief, then he took my face into his hands, looking me straight in the eyes. "Charlie, don't you fucking believe that for a second. That's not what's gonna happen and there is no need to worry about that. Do you really think that's true when I was the one obsessed with marrying you? Really? Charlie, that's crazy." I sobbed. "Maybe that's what I am, maybe I am crazy." "No, you're amazing, I love you and you cannot believe this sort of hate. You're not ugly, you're beautiful and you're not a slut either and I don't deserve better. And I think the fact that I wanted to marry you like mad proves that, doesn't it?" I swallowed hard. "Maybe you grew tired of me? You don't like that I didn't want to commit?"

He kissed me for just a moment, then locked my eyes again. "Charlie, we haven't talked about this since we got back together and we both know we have to, so this is what I'm doing and I'm using it to show you how much you mean to me. Now I've realised that I went a little mad there and it's not going to happen again, I'm never gonna push you into anything you don't want ever again but please, believe me when I say that none of these things that the haters are saying is true." My breathing was still shallow but I was starting to calm down because looking into his eyes and focusing on his voice and being surrounded by his comforting scent made me realise that he was there with me and for me and that it was all that mattered.

Without another world, I climbed onto his lap and kissed him. He wiped away my tears and pulled me closer, kissing me back harder. "I love you, Pete" I whispered. "I love you so much."

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