Chapter 30

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I enjoyed absolutely everything about the trip to Ellis Island and then later Liberty Island, the trips on the ferry, the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, the view of the Statue of Liberty, the museum and Pete holding my hand the whole time. I still wanted to tell him that I was still in love with him but since I had decided that right before the accident, I had started to wonder if maybe that had been a sign, telling me to better not. But even if that wasn't the case, I still didn't want to ruin this beautiful day and make it awkward somehow so I just enjoyed Pete's company and the things he was telling me about when he had been here before.

When we got off the ferry and I stood on solid ground again, I felt absolutely fine except for the little pains in my head every now and then. But other than that, I didn't feel like I had been in a car crash just the day before yesterday. But when Pete took me to Coney Island, I still decided to take it slow and not go on any rides even though I would've loved to. Even if I had wanted to go despite my wounds, Pete probably wouldn't have let me anyway because he would've worried too much. So I just ate some cotton candy and shared a milkshake with Pete that made my head feel numb for a few nice seconds. I left the rest of the drink for Pete and he finished it. Then, he won a huge teddy bear for me after I had missed throwing at the cans what felt like twenty times. At one point, he had been unable to watch me fail any longer and just done it himself which resulted in me getting a huge stuffed bear in a light blue color. I carried it around as we walked around between the colorful booths and rides and it made me so happy that I was there. Other people could only dream of that but here I was and I complained a lot in my life, I really did but this, I appreciated that, I appreciated every bit of it. I appreciated being pregnant with a healthy baby, I appreciated Pete being the nicest person ever, I appreciated having the opportunity to see New York and that I was going to publish a magazine soon. Who was I to complain?

When it was getting darker and we were slowly returning to the middle of the city, Pete asked me if I was tired or if I still wanted to stay out. "Why?" I asked and he smiled. "We can still see the Empire State Building, if you want" he said. My eyes lit up. "Yes, please." "Are you feeling okay?" "Never better" I smiled and took his hand that he was holding out for me. We walked a few more blocks, then we stopped a cab and got in. "You're gonna love it" he said and I was getting more and more excited. "You're not afraid of heights, right?" I shrugged. "Even if I was, I wouldn't miss it for the world" I replied. Pete smiled. "Good answer."

We waited in line for a good hour, Pete had apparently called before but it had still been pretty short notice so it still took us a little while until we finally stood in front of the elevator. "Are you ready?" Pete asked when the doors slid open. "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" He pretended to be offended. "Is it not a big deal to you?" he gasped. I grinned. "Okay, shut up." We stepped into the elevator with a few other people after a group had left the elevator and walked past us. The feeling of going higher and higher as if I was rising by myself and not in the lift filled me and my head felt heavy but I tried to keep it together, squeezing Pete's hand. I just hoped I wouldn't feel sick or anything, I didn't want to ruin this experience for myself. Neither did I want to ruin it for Pete but it wasn't his first time up here, was it?

When the doors opened, Pete put his arm around my waist. "Close your eyes" he said. I did as he said, not questioning it and let him guide me forward with his arm around my waist and a hand on my hip. After a few seconds, he stood still and I heard other people talking, stunned. "Open your eyes" Pete said and I did. I was standing right by the edge, looking through the high railing, directly into the city. It was as if I was flying over all the skyscrapers, it was beautiful. "Wow" I whispered. I saw Pete smile in the corner of my eye but all I could look at in that moment was the view. "This is amazing" I said, my voice just a hint. I took my phone out and took some pictures immediately, just because I would've felt bad otherwise. But then I enjoyed the view with my own eyes. It was breathtaking. Everything was so small and so far away but at the same time, so impressive and so big and I never wanted to leave again. I put the stuffed animal down between my feet and placed my hands on the railing and got on my tiptoes so I could see more of it, so I could take it all in. I said nothing for a while and just stared, wishing that was the view from my window. I wanted to stay because there was nothing to worry about up here, Pete was here with me and there were no responsibilities so high up with me, I had left everything down below. And I never wanted to worry again, I wanted to be carefree, I wanted to be with Pete but I knew, I could have neither.

After what felt like eternity but still not enough, Pete stepped beside me again. "Did I promise too much?" he asked. I looked at him, taking my hands off the railing. "No, you really didn't" I said. He smiled. "Do you wanna go?" I shook my head. "Hell, no." He laughed. "How long do you wanna stay up here?" "Forever" I sighed, leaning back against the railing. "Really?" I smirked. "Yeah." "What for?" "Just ... enjoy the view as long as I can, stay away from everything else as long as possible, I don't want to deal with anything down there." He smiled, inhaling deeply. "Right?" I nodded and turned away from him again, towards the wonderful city.

"Actually, Charlie, can I ask you something?" Pete asked. "Yeah, go ahead" I said, not taking my eyes off the buildings, the sky and the river. "Well, to be honest, it's less of a question but more something that I wanted to ... talk about. It'd probably be polite to ignore it but I feel like I should tell you because you deserve to know." Now I was curious and turned around. "What?" I asked in confusion, removing my hair from my face which the wind kept blowing through. Pete wasn't looking at me though, he was looking at his shoes. "Last night, you said some stuff." "I wasn't even aware I was awake last night" I laughed but then I cringed. What if I had told him something embarrassing? Oh, dear. "What did I say?" I asked, my voice serious now. Pete laughed nervously. "Well, nothing bad, just ... I'm wondering if you meant it or if you were just ... being silly." Oh, no! "I shouldn't ... no but ... I need to know..." he mumbled, more to himself than to me, struggling for words but I was getting impatient and mostly, scared. "Just spit it out!" I urged and he ran his fingers through his hair, looking up at me again.

I had always imagined myself being up here, if I would ever get the chance, looking out for couples who were finding eachother after years, blind dates or anything romantic, like in all the films but now, all I could think about was Pete and what he had told me. This was my personal horror film. "Well, you said that ... the reason we're still not managing to get along properly is that..." I gasped. Fuck. "You said you still wanted me." "Oh, you're making it up!" I said automatically, going into defense. He raised his eyebrows, raising his hands as if to protect himself. "Hey, I swear that's what you said." I took a deep breath. It was out and my heart was beating faster than ever. Shivers crawled down my spine and I decided to keep calm, waiting for him and his comment about it before I'd freak out. I had had enough stress. "No, I know, I can see myself saying that even though I don't remember." "I promise that I didn't ask about it or anything, Charlie. I just..." "No, I believe you, don't worry" I assured him, smiling softly. At least he knew now, I didn't have to tell him myself, well, sober.

He took a deep breath. "The thing is..." he started, looking like he was thinking very hard as if he was looking for the right words to say. "You said that you still want me but the reason we're always fighting is that ... you start drama because you can't have me and that's not true. At the hospital, I meant to tell you that I still ... haven't gotten over you and I don't think there's going to be a time where I won't be in love with you." I gulped, unable to believe he had just said that. Why hadn't I told him before? "I hate that it took the accident for me to realise that I shouldn't wait any longer and just tell you, just take a chance but, you know ... I can be a coward. And I didn't want to push that all onto you when you were feeling so bad, also because I thought you might be mad because of the crash but I promise you, nothing like that will ever happen again and..."

I didn't wait for him to finish, I just pulled his face down to mine and kissed him. Almost automatically, his hands came down on my waist and he pulled me closer, kissing me back. His tongue started dancing with mine and I kissed him harder, letting my fingers run through his hair. "I love you" he whispered on my lips and I felt more and more drawn to him than before, pressing up against him and wrapping my arms around his neck. This was happening. This was happening on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, this was happening in New York. Why hadn't I told him earlier? And why had we not tried to work this out in the first place? I mean, there had been a reason we had broken up but it didn't seem valid right now. All that mattered was that I could get closer to him. Everything about him intoxicated me at this point, his scent surrounded me and I couldn't think straight and he was so hot, simply feeling his lips move on mine hungrily turned me on and that wasn't just because I was hormonal.

Suddenly, I felt him slowly pull my blouse out of my jeans in one place because I had tucked it in and his hand ran up my belly, then onto my back. I shivered because his hand was cold but I didn't care when he ran his hand up and down my back. We both pulled away at the same time and he rested his forehead against mine, very carefully because of my band aids but we both grinned like fools. "Do you wanna go now?" he asked, removing his hand from my back. I nodded and took his hand with my non-casted hand. He grabbed my teddy bear and we returned to the elevator.

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