Chapter 21

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I paced up and down beside the car, waiting for Pete to come back from the store. We weren’t far from Denver yet but I was trying not to be nervous about Pete’s parents but I was just very curious too. He had of course shown me pictures and told me about them but I still had no proper image of them in my head and I was anticipating to meet them. I just wanted to know what they were like, get a better picture of how Pete’s childhood could’ve been.

I saw Pete return with a plastic bag in his hand. He crossed the street and walked across the parking spaces until he reached me. “They didn’t have any Dr Pepper so I brought you some Pepsi, is that okay?” I yawned. “Well, not the same thing at all but I guess” I grinned and he rolled his eyes even though he knew I was just playing. He put the plastic bag down on the hood of the car and unpacked its contents. “Here you go, strawberry yoghurt and chocolate cookies, cheese sticks, crisps and a pack of lemon gum. Did I forget anything?” I shook my head and kissed his cheek before putting all the things back into the bag.

When I was just about to open the door of the car, Pete stopped me. “You know what, Miller? You still have to flash the people on the highway.” I froze. I had completely forgotten about that. “But so do you” I countered, seeing the smug expression on his face. He smirked. “I’ve flashed the whole online world before” he said. I gulped and licked my lips. “Me too” I dared myself to say. He laughed. “Touché. Anyway, how about here?” “You just wanna see my boobs” I joked and he nodded, laughing. “Yeah, you caught me, Miller, such a mystery.” I grinned and we both got into the car, he drove to the exit of the stop that led onto the highway. Then he stopped again and opened the door on his side, looking at me expectantly.

We both got out of the car again and I positioned so I could see the approaching cars and they could see me. I really didn’t care anymore and Pete was with me and I always felt safe with him, no matter what it was about, no matter if we were having problems or not. He stood next to me and undid his belt. I giggled, trying to stay serious but it was impossible and after a few seconds, my laughing turned out to be contagious because Pete started laughing too, quietly at first but then he couldn’t contain himself either. I grabbed the hem of my shirt with both hands and Pete grinned, unzipping his pants. “Three?” I asked. “Two” he grinned. “One.” I pulled up my shirt and my bra and he pulled down his pants and I looked at the drivers of the cars whose eyes widenend and whose faces looked so shocked. Me and Pete were still laughing and I couldn’t help laughing until we stood there for about half a minute and then returned to the car, getting dressed properly again.

When we were back on the road, we still let out the occasional giggle, the other always catching on after a few seconds. I couldn’t forget what might’ve happened during the night but it was slowly moving in the back of my mind and I could concentrate on other things and also appreciate the fact that the situation between me and Pete was getting less and less awkward now which was amazing, especially if something actually had happened last night. Maybe it didn’t even matter…

“You know what?” I asked after a bit. “What?” “My mum called the other night.” Pete looked at me from the side, showing that he was listening. “What’d she want?” “She wants to come over.” “Really?” he asked hesitantly. I nodded, licking my lips. “And did you say it was okay?” I bit my lip. “I told her I have a lot to do. She’s not your biggest fan, by the way” I grinned. He pouted, pretending to be offended. “I told her I was pregnant.” His eyes widenend. “What?!” “Yeah, I felt like she had to know. She’s my mum after all.” He shrugged. “I guess. What’d she say about me?” “Well, she called you an ‘awful musican’ and told me not to get back together with you.” “Well, if she says so…” he smirked. I laughed. “I told her you’d support me though so maybe that’s a pro for you.” “Is that my only pro?” he pouted. I laughed again. “No, you have so many pros” I said fakely comforting and patted his shoulder like a pet. He laughed too now, trying to focus on the road.

“I can’t wait to see Hemingway.” I smiled. “I figured, that’s why I suggested it.” He smiled too. “Don’t forget how well I know you.” “I really missed him.” “Me too.” “It’ll be nice to have him around again. By the way, maybe we can also stop by Andrew’s or Hilary’s.” I sighed, looking at him. “Of course, I told you that I’m fine seeing your family if it makes you happy. If you want I could also stay in a hotel and you go visit everybody.” He chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous.” “Maybe you want time alone with them” I shrugged. He shook his head. “No way, you’re coming. You’re meeting them.” I yawned into my hand. “Alright.” “Are you still tired?” I nodded, wiping the tears away that had formed in my eyes from yawning. I saw him smiling softly and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my face on my knees, watching him drive.

“So, you wanna drive all the way to Wilmette without taking a break for sleep?” He shook his head. “I can make it.” “Are you sure?” “I could drive for a bit, don’t you wanna rest?” “It’s still like six hours to go, Charlie.” “Yeah and I could take half of those.” “You’re tired and I’m not.” “I can make it, you’ve been driving for ages.” He gave in, probably because he remembered our previous conversation about that exact topic so he stopped at the next opportunity to park and we swapped seats quickly. As I started driving, I was feeling more awake because I knew that now I had to concentrate.

We stopped an hour later and Pete still wasn’t sleeping. I got him my pillow out of the trunk and then went into the gas station and got myself coffee and brought something to eat back for Pete. After he had finished that and we were driving again, he seemed like he was actually sleeping for a while. He started breathing evenly at first and then he started snoring quietly. I was happy he could finally get some rest during the car ride and I hoped that I wouldn’t need his help with the GPS and that I would find Wilmette all by myself so he would be able to get some more sleep and not have to drive. Also I wanted to prove that I could drive for six hours.

I found it harder to concentrate when it got darker and darker and the only lights were the cars eventually. But Pete was still sleeping and I didn’t wake him. I also didn’t want to stop because I was afraid he might wake up if I did because of the sudden stop. There were no traffic jams and I managed to get through easily. He kept sleeping which only showed me how tired he had been which he hadn’t wanted to admit.

As a kid, I had always loved long drives and road trips and driving through the night but I had never seen them as a road trip with my parents, road trips were something you did when you were older. And now, I was really enjoying it, all the stops and the long drives, sometimes driving myself, sometimes sitting in the passenger seat. And I was glad that I was with Pete and not with Michael, for example. If I hadn’t found out about his cheating, maybe I would still be with him and then what? I never would’ve met Pete and I maybe would’ve married Michael, had a kid with him and then? He would’ve cheated on me and everything would’ve been a lot worse so now, I was better off really. Me and Pete may not have been together anymore but at least we got along and he never would’ve cheated on me or just treat me wrong. He wouldn’t. And that was the difference between them. Also, with Pete I could just connect and be who I was. He knew me so well and I knew him so there was never anything fake between us, at least not anymore.

The other cars rushed by and I wondered where they were going. Were they visiting family too? Or were they travelling for work as well? Were they going home? What was their destination? I wondered if they were thinking the same as me, if they were thinking about what me and the other cars around them were doing and where we were heading. I forced my eyes open when I looked at the GPS and realised it was already far past midnight and we only had half an hour more to drive. I could do it. I would park in front of Pete’s parents’ house and wake him and tell him we were there and he would be happy and relieved and he would see that I could do stuff myself. I mean, he knew, he just didn’t want to admit it but I guess he’d have to then.

Irresistible - Pete Wentz Fanfic (Part 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ