Chapter 18

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We stopped at a motel and parked. Pete didn't say a single word when he opened the trunk, took my suitcase and his and carried them inside, locking the car without waiting up for me. I tried to keep up and thought about what I could do to make things better again. But no matter that I had felt guilty, there was no way that this was his business still, he had no right to be upset about this, did he?

I managed to somehow get ahead of him and was first at the reception desk, I wouldn't let him do everything again, especially not now. He had already taken my suitcase without my permission, as if I wasn't capable of carrying it alone.

"Hello, we'd like a room for two, please" I said quickly so he wouldn't just get two separate rooms because he was mad. I wanted to talk about this. The ginger behind the desk looked at me and his eyes grew wider, I smiled at him, no matter if he had just recognized me from the sex tape with Benji or not. I occasionally got this but thanks to Pete, I had learned to rise above it. "Yes, of course" he said confidently and typed something into the computer. "You pay when you check out, here's your key card" he said. I nodded. "Thank you." "Name?" "Miller, Charlotte." I swore that I saw something on his face that was satisfaction because he had been right about me. He kept staring at me though, then glared at Pete behind me who had apparently understood that he shouldn't be messing with me. "Anything else?" I asked the receptionist. He snapped out of his daze. He smiled charmingly. "No, I just ... sorry." I smiled back. "No worries" I said and he was probably well aware that I knew what he was thinking.

"Oh, will you stop?" Pete muttered behind me and pulled me after himself by my arm. I tried to free myself but didn't succeed until we reached the elevator. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked. "Stop flirting with everybody" he said, rolling his eyes. He slammed his hand down on the elevator button. I pushed my head forward in disbelief, staring at him. "Excuse me? But this shit is usually none of your business." "It is when you're making out with my friends!" "I wasn't making out with your friend! And even if I was, I'm not your fucking girlfriend anymore!" I shouted, now finally snapping because he really was exaggerating. "Charlie, you should really calm down." "But I don't want to!" He smirked, the elevator doors opened. "But you're making me hot" he said, knowing that'd made me feel awkward so I'd stop. I rolled my eyes and pulled my suitcase after me, leaning back against the mirror wall. Pete pressed the button of our floor. I looked up at him. "Get your shit together, Pete."

When the doors opened, Pete took my suitcase again and we walked down the hall, I had trouble keeping up again even though he was carrying both suitcases. He then had to wait for me and I unlocked the door with the keycard. "Do you still wanna go for some food?" he asked through gritted teeth when he put our luggage down in the bedroom which to my dismay only had one bed. Had the receptionist done that on purpose? I shrugged but I had to admit that I was starving so I nodded quickly after. Pete took off his scarf, put it down on the bed and then looked at me. "Do you need time or are you ready to go?" "I'm ready to go" I said, my voice now smaller because his voice was so emotionless. I wasn't used to it, I was used to him caring about me.

We made our way back down again and I followed Pete outside, we found a cab pretty quickly and he opened the door for me, still seeming quite distanced. "What are you in the mood for?" he asked coldly. "McDonald's?" I mumbled and he told the cab driver even though he had heard me just as well. I leaned back and tears filled my eyes, I tried my hardest not to blink and let them spill. I regretted telling Pete because we had been getting back to our old routine so nicely and now I had ruined it all again. My bottom lip was shaking and I felt my breathing becoming shallow because I wasn't allowing myself to cry. "Pete..." I begged and tried to take his hand but he shook it off. What was wrong with me? One second I was sassing him out and the other I felt like a little girl in front of him.

He didn't react and his face was like a cold mask. I missed his eyes looking at me warmly. I let out a sob reluctantly because I couldn't hold it back anymore and curled up, pulling my knees up to my chest. As soon as Pete realised I was crying, he turned to me and when I looked up at him, I saw him looking at me, the mask had fallen. "Don't cry" he said softly and took my hand. I relaxed instantly. "I'm really sorry" I whispered. He stroked my hand. "It's fine, I just..." I sobbed again and he sighed. "Nevermind, just ... please don't cry, I can't handle that." I smiled weakly and dried my tears with my fingers but he used his sleeve and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me towards him.

At McDonald's, I probably ate twice the amount Pete managed to. I was starving and I had different cravings, kept going back to the counter and getting more, dipping my fries into milkshake and putting sweet and sour sauce onto all my burgers. Pete beared with me and ate his part, checked his phone occasionally because he was waiting for Ashlee to call with Bronx but he started to think more and more that she had forgotten. Once I was done, he led me outside and we got into a cab. For some reason, I was still hungry but I didn't want to admit that even though nothing really embarrassed me in front of Pete anymore. The only thing I was getting more and more self-concious about was my belly that obviously kept growing. Mandy had said that it wasn't visible yet and that I still looked great but that's not what I thought.

It was already after midnight when we arrived back at the hotel. I grabbed my suitcase and disappeared into the bathroom, changing into an oversized shirt and another pair of panties. I really didn't mind in front of Pete at all, I just wanted things to be normal again so there was no point in being different than before we had gotten together. I brushed my teeth and my hair and when I looked up into the mirror, I realised how tired I actually was. I yawned and stretched when I came out, kicking my suitcase back into the bedroom. I caught Pete staring at my lower stomach which was exposed because the shirt slid up when I stretched. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but stare at him as well, wearing checkered boxers only. I quickly slid under the covers and closed my eyes so I would just calm down but I now had the image of his toned chest on my mind and I just wanted to fall asleep so it wouldn't continue to bother me now. I just wanted to turn but then I heard my phone vibrate on the nighstand and picked it up, opening my eyes again. Pete had gone to the bathroom luckily. William had messaged me, asking how we were. So I replied and put my phone back down again. "Anything you need?" Pete asked when he turned off the lights in the bathroom and climbed into bed as well. I shook my head and smiled. "No. William messaged me, by the way, he was wondering how we were and he says hello." Pete's face dropped again and I rolled my eyes, not wanting to get into this again and already regretting mentioning it.

He turned off the light and climbed into bed as well, I turned away from him but under the covers he grabbed my hand and moved closer to me. I sighed, I was still bothered by his presence, knowing that his warm chest was so close to me and yet in a way, so far away. I knew I wouldn't be able to do anything about it now so I tried to calm down and fall asleep as quickly as possible.

"Charlie?" Pete whispered into the darkness. "Mmm?" "Earlier, in the car, you said that a reason for you kissing William was the fact that you thought you were falling for me again?" "Uhuh" I said, as quietly as possible. "Then why didn't you come onto me and replaced me with William instead?" I was struggling now, I didn't want to discuss this and admit to all these things because I didn't want it to become an issue but generally, I was glad that he couldn't see me because I felt the color slowly creeping into my cheeks. "Why did he do that? You were my girlfriend" he said, starting to sound more upset and slightly frustrated as well. "Yeah but I'm not anymore" I mumbled. He sighed. "I just ... I don't ... I can't believe it" he mumbled and he was bothering me more and more because no matter if I was imagining it or if it was actually happening, in my head he was being possessive over me and he was frustrated and my hormones just wouldn't fucking leave me alone.

I tried harder and harder to fall asleep and hoped he'd stop talking and not frustrate me any more. His hand was still wrapped around mine, making my skin tingle where he touched it. And at that point I wished we were still in the car.

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