Chapter 5

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It took a few more seconds until he went on speaking. “What are you doing here?”

Now, I admit that I had thought he’d be doing fine. It had been almost two months since we had not spoken to eachother so I thought he wouldn’t be so caught off guard seeing me, I had just expected him to not care, be indifferent about it but he seemed just as confused as me. And that was just because all I could think about was the last time we had had sex which I know is kind of weird but then again, also very meaningful because I knew very well what had happened that night.

“I have to tell you something” I announced, wondering if because he hadn’t seen me in a while, he might have been able to tell that I had gained some weight and not that kind that’s all over the body but only in one place. He didn’t seem suspicious though, just surprised and obviously curious. I had thought he’d send me away but instead, he took a step back and opened the door a bit more, making an inviting motion with his hand. “Come in then.”

I did as he said and walked past him and into the house. He closed the door, then turned to me. I stood in my old home awkwardly, not knowing where to go and where to put my hands. I looked around. “Is Bronx here?” “Yeah, he’s sleeping upstairs.” I nodded slowly, realising how much I missed the little guy. “How is he?” Pete smiled and it made me feel a lot more comfortable about being here, not welcome but at least it showed me he wasn’t completely thrown off by seeing me. “He’s good, exhausted, we had a long day.” I smiled too. “I miss him” I admitted and he took a deep breath because I knew there would be no reply to that.

He swallowed, then his eyes bored into mine. “What did you want to tell me? Anything important?” I sighed. “Do you think I’d come all the way down here if it wasn’t?” He sighed too and shrugged, then smiled weakly at his own stupid question. “I guess not. Were you out?” he asked and eyed me up at down. I looked down myself and smiled nervously, running my fingers through my hair. “Yeah, with Sofia and Mandy. But then I just … I realised that what I had to tell you couldn’t wait and was more important.”

I knew I had to say it quickly or he’d think that I had come back to tell him that I still loved him or that I wanted him back or that I had changed my mind about marrying him but I never would’ve done that and he should’ve known that. Never would I think that he still wanted me, that is proposal was still valid. I had ruined it walking out the door behind me. I also hoped he knew I wasn’t that naive.

He looked at me curiously, obviously awaiting what I had to say, wanting to know badly enough to not interrupt me. I gathered together all that was left of my confidence and I was glad I looked like that right now, all dressed up and everything and he didn’t. But I mean, we all know he didn’t need to, he looked good no matter what. I inhaled deeply and held his gaze. I knew I had to tell him, I knew I shouldn’t wait any longer, it had to be now because now he knew something was up. I was scared of his reaction but there was really no way back now.

“I’m pregnant.” His eyes widenend and he gasped, then took a step towards me. He looked closely at me and his intense eyes were drilling into mine as if that would change things. I shot him an apologizing look.

“And why are you telling me? Do you need anything?” I took a step back and stared at him in disbelief. It took a few seconds for the words to sink in but they were loud and clear and I couldn’t comprehend he had really just said that. How slutty did he think I was? “Don’t you know me at all, you asshole?! Have we not been together long enough for you to know me?!” I called and had his full attention again. He stared at me. “What?” “Do you think I just go off and bang a random stranger and then I come to you for money or some shit? I told you that I didn’t want to use you in any way before and you think I pull shit like that now?! Really? What the fuck…?”

Irresistible - Pete Wentz Fanfic (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now