Chapter 12

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When I woke up, I was alone in bed. I yawned and stretched and took my time until I sat up. The blinds were open the sun was shining through the windows, naturally flooding the bedroom with sunlight. I heard chatter downstairs but before I could even get out of bed, footsteps were coming up the stairs. I decided to just drop back into bed so I let myself fall until my head was on the pillows and my body underneath the covers again.

"Charlie?" Pete asked and I yawned again before replying. "Yeah?" "Morning" he said and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me. He was already dressed in black skinnies and a dark blue shirt. "Are you going somewhere? Do you need me to leave?" I asked, realising I didn't live here anymore. Pete shrugged it off and shook his head. "No, no, William's making breakfast for Bronx downstairs, I thought I'd check on you. You couldn't sleep last night? William told me you watched TV with him for a bit." "Did he?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Pete nodded. "You could've woken me too, you know that, right?" "Well, I didn't want to keep you from sleeping too and I didn't know William would be downstairs anyway" I said, hoping I wasn't blushing and praying that William hadn't told him anything.

"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked again after a few seconds. I nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I'm just feeling a bit sick." "Oh! Should I get you something? A bucket or a bag?" I laughed and shook my head. "I can make it to the bathroom by myself" I said. He smiled too. "Me and Bronx were gonna go to the zoo today, he's been asking for ages. You wanna come?" I felt my eyes widen and I knew if William wouldn't come, it'd be weird and if he was, it would be even weirder so I slowly started shaking my head. "I don't know, I'd rather go home and rest a little." "Are you sure?" I nodded. "Yeah but thanks for inviting me." It felt like he was trying to find excuses to see me because he never knew when he'd see me again when I left.

Eventually, I changed into the clothes I had brought and got ready in the bathroom. When I came downstairs with my stuff, William was just leaving. "I can take you back into the city" he said and I shook my head. "No, don't worry, I don't wanna be any trouble" I said because I really didn't need any awkwardness, there was enough with Pete already. I didn't know why I kept doing this to myself. "It's really no trouble, Charlie." Just to get away as quick as I could, I nodded because I was actually starting to feel sick. "Alright" I said and shrugged. William gave Pete a sort of bro-hug and opened the door. "After you" he said. I hugged Bronx and Pete, then followed William outside.

He held the door open for me and put my bag into the trunk, then sat down on the driver's side and started the car. "You didn't tell him, did you?" I asked, just to be sure when the car moved out of the driveway. William shook his head. "Of course not, I thought we agreed not to." I nodded quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to be sure." William sighed. "We really shouldn't have done that." "Things shouldn't be weird though" I replied. "I totally agree!" I smiled. "Alright then, things aren't weird anymore" I decided. "Right. Why aren't you going to the zoo with Pete and Bronx?" I shrugged. "I don't know, I don't want to be around all the time, they should have time alone. And I don't want to be around Pete too much either." William nodded understandingly. "You'll figure it out, no doubt."

I invited William in simply to be polite but he didn't have the time so I went up. I closed the door behind myself when I felt something vibrating in my pocket. I fished out my phone and took the call. "Hello?" "Charlie, hey!" "Sue, what's up?" I asked, hoping there were good news for the paper. I took off my coat and started making myself some tea. "I found four, maybe five people at the paper that would be interested in your little project. Isn't that awesome?" I dropped the tea bag into the mug and sat down at the kitchen table. "That's insane, it's going so quickly already. I mean, I'm so glad! Who is it?" "I think I'll just send you their contacts so you can talk to them about it, that's probably best, right?" I smiled. "Yeah, sounds great. Sue, that's really amazing, thank you for taking the lead there." She laughed it off. "Oh, it's no problem really, you know that it's just as important to me as it is to you." "Yeah but I didn't expect so much support right away so really, it's great." "I'm glad" she said happily. "I just wanna get this started as fast as possible, if we've got the chance I mean." "Oh, yeah, I totally agree" I assured her. "Awesome. I'll email you the contacts when I'm home, I just wanted to tell you because I just got off the phone. And they're not going to say anything at work either, don't worry. I trust all of them." "Is it just girls?" I asked. "Yeah, I wasn't sure if you'd be okay with guys since you said you want the magazine to be for women." "Yeah, let's stay with women for the start." "Yeah, I think that makes more sense too" she agreed. "Right, I should go, I'm late already, gotta get a check-up at the dentist." I laughed. "Alright, good luck." She laughed too. "Thanks, Charlie, have a great weekend."

I hung up and put the phone down on the wooden kitchen table with a huge smile on my face. This was amazing. I would actually make it, this was happening and maybe it was happening soon. Maybe everything was falling into place. Maybe this was the time to focus on my pregnancy and a career, I didn't need a man.

I took my tea and sat down on the couch, picking one of Ashlee's books up and starting to read again. Then I got my laptop and looked through some baby clothes, I was excited. And every day, I was getting more excited. I had also decided not to read any of the things that explained the risks of giving birth, I didn't want to know at all or at least not until right before the actual thing. I would've just been scared for too long and it would've destroyed my anticipation.

Also, I had started believing in myself, that I could do it, take responsibility, raise a child the way I would be proud. I could take care, I was sensible, caring and good with kids. So this was not going to be the biggest problem for me, at least not more than for other young mothers and let's be real, I wasn't the youngest mother anymore either.

I wondered if my feelings for Pete were because I really missed him or because I missed the life I had had with him. Or maybe it was because I was on my own and lonely and I needed somebody? I couldn't tell but I knew it didn't have a future because after what had gone down between us, there was no going back, too much had been said. Deep inside, I knew that I didn't really want him back, not him. What I wanted was the comfort and the feeling of family when I had lived with him and when Bronx had come over but I would soon have that myself, I'd have a kid and my own family, no matter that Pete wasn't involved. And I'd have a magazine. Pete would stay in my life but when everything would turn out to my favour, my brain would realise too that I didn't really want Pete back, my heart was just pretending.

When I was about to take a shower, I heard my phone vibrate in the kitchen again so I jogged over to the table and picked it up. "Yeah?" "Hey, Charlie, it's Pete. Bronx just told me that there's going to be this choir performance they're doing during the week and he wanted me to ask you if you'd come too." I took a deep breath and shook my head in disbelief. There were so many things that would get me to see Pete and it was usually Bronx but I didn't know if I could handle so much of Pete when something in me was thinking I wanted him.

"I'm not sure, aren't you and Ashlee going?" "Yeah, of course but he also wants you to see. It means a lot to him. I understand if you don't wanna hang out with me but you can even go with Gabe if you don't want to be around me and Ash." I started chewing on my bottom lip, not knowing what to say but I knew how much it meant to Bronx really after he had told me with so much pride. "I'll be there, when is it?"


Just a quick question! I don't think I ever properly described Charlie. How do you guys imagine her?

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