Chapter 38

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I woke up from a loud noise, like something falling to the floor. I blinked quickly and saw that Pete wasn't next to me so I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Sorry, dropped my cologne!" I heard from the bathroom and Pete stuck his head into the bedroom. "Did I wake you?" I yawned. "Yeah but it's fine" I replied, stretching. "Did you break it?" He grinned. "Luckily not." I let myself fall back down and cuddled into the blanket, closing my eyes again. I was glad that my parents had only had a day in Los Angeles and that they would fly on holiday now so we wouldn't have to spend any more time with them. I missed them a lot but I didn't want them thinking badly about Pete. He had really gotten himself into deep shit with them though.

Suddenly, I felt something beside me and opened my eyes again. Pete was sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed and smelling wonderful. "Hey" I smiled and he leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him back down into bed. He laughed and his lips travelled down to the side of my neck. "Do you know what?" he asked and looked down at me. "What?" "Brace yourself, this is gonna be corny." I laughed. "Oh, dear." He pecked my lips before speaking. "Last night before I fell asleep, I was thinking ... I don't think we were ever meant to be apart." I raised my eyebrows in curiosity. "Even when we didn't know what we were, friends or whatever because of the baby, when we got to talking, we still had more to talk about when one of us had to leave but I mean, it would've been weird to arrange meeting without knowing what we were so we had really no excuse to hang out. But we always got along. When you came to my place, we clicked again instantly, did you notice that too?"

It took me a few seconds to follow, then I nodded. "Yeah, I guess" I said and ran my fingers through his hair even though they were already styled. "I love you" he said and kissed me again. When he pulled back and got up, he looked into the mirror and fixed his hair. "I have to go and meet the guys but do you wanna do something later?" he asked. I shook my head. "I can't, I have to write a few articles and then I'm meeting Erik because he wanted to show me his writing, we might include him." Pete raised his eyebrows. "Aren't you meeting that guy a bit often?" "Once" I said slowly, slightly confused. "Yeah over dinner which I found a bit weird too, to be honest." "He's really nice, he writes too and I want to know who I'm working with" I said, starting to feel like I had to defend myself. Pete nodded slowly, then disappeared into the bathroom again.

I stayed in bed until he left, then I got up and into the shower. I did my make-up and got dressed, once again realising that my clothes were getting tighter. I had to go shopping but I didn't want to ask Pete for money so I just put on a lose dress and some comfortable shoes, heels were going to be the death of me, especially the more pregnant I got. I had a quick breakfast, then grabbed my bag with my laptop and left. I walked down to the busy street and stopped a cab. From my phone, I read out Erik's address to the driver and then leaned back, staring out the window as we rushed through the city.

We stopped in front of a big apartment building, looking a lot like mine but much fancier, I paid and got out of the cab, then rang the door bell with Erik's name on it. It took a few seconds, then the door buzzed and I pushed it open. Luckily, there was an elevator. I went a few floors up, then when the doors opened and I stepped out, I saw Erik around the corner, waving from one of the apartment doors. "Hey!" he said and greeted me with a quick hug. I smiled. "Hi."

I entered the apartment and looked around. "Nice place" I said and sat down on the couch because my feet already hurt, I put down my bag and looked up at him. "I think my boyfriend got a bit jealous this morning that we're meeting again" I said, just to say something and not make it awkward. I felt like when you didn't know somebody very well yet, awkward silences were bound to happen and I wanted to avoid it. "Well, he can pick you up later and observe that I'm no threat." I laughed. "Yeah, you're right." I didn't have enough money for the cab back anyway. "Plus, if he's jealous, it shows you that maybe you're wrong about not being good enough for him" he said, referring to what I had said at the restaurant. I shrugged. "Yeah, you might be right." I didn't want to discuss it any further though so I just opened my bag and took out my laptop. "I'll show you some of my drafts and you can show me a few of your articles" I said and he disappeared into the hallway, returning with a laptop. He sat down next to me and I leaned back, closing my eyes for a few seconds while my laptop started. I was exhausted for some reason.

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