Chapter 34

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Pete couldn't come to the doctor's appointment with me because he had a band meeting but to be honest, I preferred going there alone anyway since he hadn't been there the first time either. We might've gotten back together but I kind of wanted to do this by myself and not have Pete creep around. He had done it before but it was all news to me and I wanted to experience it without any spoilers.

On the way back to Pete's, I stopped at a kiosk to check for the paper and really, there it was, under the right letter and there was only one left. I looked around for a while, just to enjoy the thought of it being there, only one last issue which meant that at least a few other people had already bought it. The smell of strong coffee suddenly surrounded me with a breeze coming from the back door and I almost threw up, deciding to quickly buy the last magazine and then leave. I was so sensitive to smells, I had never imagined that. But when I turned around and reached for it, I saw another hand come into view and reach for it as well. I stood up straight and moved back, looking at the person next to me.

"I'm sorry, do you want it?" the man in front of me asked with an accent that I couldn't quite define straight away. I shook my head eagerly. "Oh, no, please, I'm one of the writers in it, I just wanted to officially buy one myself but I mean, it'd make me a lot happier if someone else buys it" I grinned. "I actually went through it at another shop down by my work place but I had never heard of it so I was unsure but when I just walked past here, I decided to actually buy it. It was really interesting." "You have no idea how happy that makes me" I said, unable to believe that this was happening. Not only had it already gotten attention, probably because of the cover, but people were already talking about it. "And you're one of the writers?" he asked, going through the magazine again. "Yeah" I said and stopped him on one page, pointing at the name underneath the article. "Charlotte Miller, that's me" I said. He nodded slowly and looked up. "I actually read this one, I love it" he said which I found absolutely flattering. Also, I could finally put my finger on the fact that his accent was Eastern European. "Thank you" I said. He smiled. "No problem. Does it come out monthly or weekly?" "Monthly. I'm actually surprised you like it so much, the target customers were ... women." He grinned. "Well, generally the political view and everything, also your style of writing is what got me to read more. I write too but ... it's more of a hobby." It made me so incredibly happy to hear that, especially from another writer.

He shut the magazine and reached out for my hand. "I'm Erik, by the way" he said. "Like I said, Charlotte" I replied. "Nice to meet you, you're the first person that I'm talking to about this who wasn't part of the creating process. But I hope my friends are all getting it today. We need all the support we can get." His face changed as if he was thinking for a second. "Have you got any sponsoring yet?" he asked and went through the magazine again. I shook my head. "No but the publisher's my boyfriend." He nodded slowly. "But how do you feel about advertisements? I have a car repair shop down the street and I'd pay you a bit for ads. Or is that not the kind of stuff you're looking for? I mean, if you're selling it locally..." "No, that'd be great" I said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, then handing me a little piece of paper out of it. "Here's one of the cards with the number. I mean, I want to take the chance to support you if it means you can keep going with that paper." "That is so amazing, thank you so much!" I said, wanting to hug the stranger. I couldn't believe it. Maybe at one point we would be able to do this without Pete. As much as I loved him, I still didn't want to completely depend on him. "It was great meeting you, call me for the ads in the next issue" he said. I nodded. "Yeah, thanks again" I replied and left the shop.

I came back to Pete's in the best mood. When he heard the door, he came down the stairs. "Is everything good?" he asked and approached me, pulling me close and kissing me for a few seconds. "Yeah, everything's good" I said and kept my arms around him, kissing him again, a little harder this time. He wrapped his arms around me too and pulled me closer. When we disconnected from eachother, I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some orange juice. "Also, you wouldn't believe what happened to me when I was at a kiosk on the way back to get an issue of the magazine." He followed me. "What?" he asked curiously so I told him the story although he didn't seem quite as happy as me, maybe because he liked helping me. "It'd mean more budget" I concluded. He nodded. "Yeah, I know, it's great" he said, not quite convinced. I turned around and cupped his face up in my hands. He pouted. "Awww" I said, my heart melting at the sight. I gave him a peck on the lips but he put his hands down on my waist and kept me close, kissing me more passionately.

"Clothes on, mouths apart!" Gabe shouted into the house when the door swung open. Me and Pete pulled away from eachother and Gabe grinned, standing in the door frame. "How did I know you were making out? You're always making out" he said and sat down at the kitchen table. I hadn't told Pete yet but Sofia had told me last night that she and Gabe had been fighting and not spoken since and I didn't want to be nice to him now so I gave Pete another quick kiss before exiting the kitchen and sitting down on the couch next to Bronx to watch cartoons. I couldn't stand seeing Gabe happy when Sofia had cried almost all night.

Luckily, he didn't stay long and Pete joined us on the couch shortly after. "Gabe just told me that him and Sofia are probably not gonna last a lot longer." I looked up at him and gasped. "What?" She hadn't said anything about that. "She said they were just fighting." "He doesn't think he's good for her" he said. I raised my eyebrows. "Oh, bullshit." "I don't think we should get into this" Pete said before things got too intense because the way I felt about Sofia, he felt that way about Gabe so there was no point in having this fight get to us too.

Pete wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a position that was comfortable for both of us to watch TV in. He started playing with my hair absently and I closed my eyes, only listening to the cartoon. I loved this and those were the moments when I considered moving back in here so I wouldn't have the thought of having to go home eventually in the back of my head. Also, wouldn't it be better with the baby or would that be too much? I didn't say anything but I started to think into it a little deeper, wondering if maybe it was the right thing to do, not just for me but also for the baby. And it was easier to move now than when I would be further into the pregnancy or after giving birth.

"How was the band meeting?" I asked. "It was great, I hadn't seen the others in a while and we have some great ideas." "When can I hear something?" "Once we record it" he teased. I rolled my eyes. "When can I read something?" I corrected myself. Pete smirked. "I have some notes if you want them but I don't know if you'd rather want to see the finished product." "I don't" I said and sat up straight so he could get up. He returned with a small stack of paper and dropped it onto my lap. I picked up the first one and started reading. The more I read, the more it felt like Pete's eyes were boring into me, watching me read. Once I was finished, I looked at him and put the paper on the table. "These are amazing." He smiled. "You think?" I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Of course I do. You know I'm your biggest fan." He smiled, kissing me softly. "Are you sure? Because I think you're the biggest groupie." I gasped and pulled away, acting offended. He only smirked smugly and kissed me again. "I love you, Charlie" he said on my lips quietly but I heard him and even though I had heard it before, the color crept into my cheeks and I kept my lips on his so he would keep his eyes closed.

Irresistible - Pete Wentz Fanfic (Part 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora