Chapter 35

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"Pete?" I called into the house. He appeared in the doorframe of the kitchen. "Yeah?" he asked. I put down my jacket and my bag and walked up to him, putting my arms around his neck and smiling up at him. "What's wrong?" he asked automatically because he knew that there was something I had to tell him. I smiled weakly. "Bad news" I mumbled. He raised his eyebrows. "What?" "Okay, less bad news, more like ... a favor to ask you." He took a deep breath. "What is it?" he asked, getting impatient. I sighed. "Okay, do you remember how I said my parents would be coming?" He seemed hesitant now. "Yes..." "And I ... might've told them that we're back together because I didn't want them to annoy me with being a single mom and all that shit." He nodded. "Yeah?" "And they're coming this weekend, they want us to go to dinner with them." His eyes widenend. "No way, Charlie, you said they hate me." I gave him a peck on the lips. "This is your chance to prove them wrong." He shook his head. "No, they're gonna hate me even more. Do I seem like the kind of person to you that parents like?" I scoffed. "Do I?" "Yes, my parents loved you." "And once mine get to know you, they'll love you too." He took a deep breath. "I don't want them to hate me." "And they won't!" He swallowed hard. "For you." A smile spread on my face. "Thank you!" I said excitedly and kissed him, harder this time, he put his hands down on my waist and pulled me closer, kissing me back.

"By the way" I said when I pulled back. He looked frustrated that I had stopped but waited for me to speak. "I thought about moving in here, it might make more sense, you know?" His eyes widened and he took step back, seeming surprised. "Really?" "Yeah, I mean ... I'm just thinking ... what's best for the baby. I'll probably move in here eventually because of the baby so why not do it now? It's gonna be way more complicated once I'm in for longer or once the baby's actually there, you know?" He nodded. "Yeah..." I gulped. "Or don't you want me to move in here anymore?" I asked. "No, of course, I do!" he replied quickly. "I just ... I just want to make sure that it's what you want as well and that you're not only doing it for the baby." I stepped closer to him again, cupping his face up into my hands and kissing him softly. "Of course, I do. I love you." It was fascinating how easy it had become for me to say that but it was probably because it was Pete. I could not imagine saying it to anybody else.

I decided to make some food and told Pete that Ally was coming over later. He also said that Gabe would be over to write some songs. Ally and I were going to look into the little company the guy from the store had and then maybe call him to tell him we were interested in working with him. After eating, the door bell rang and Gabe came marching in without waiting for anybody to open. I still wasn't very interested in speaking to him so I just nodded into his direction and left, telling Pete to send Ally up if she came. It took only a few minutes and she came upstairs. "Is that Gabe Saporta down there with Pete?" she asked. I nodded slowly. "Yeah, why?" "He smiled at me and kind of ... gave me flirty eyes. He's so hot." "Remember my friend that called me crying? They were together and they're big problems." Her face dropped. "Oh, really? I didn't know that." "I'm not very keen on saying nice things about him right now." She nodded quickly. "No, I get it, I get it. So, let's check out this guy for the ads."

It turned out that Erik Roman had a website for his business and it seemed to be really serious and successful. "I'll call him later" I announced and before we could even work anymore, we became victims of the typical internet distractions. We started looking for anything, just nothing that had to do with work. In the end, we had ordered some clothes online and a book, a movie and perfume. Ally was no good to be online and shop with, she was just as bad as me with money.

When she left, I brought her down to the door which is when Gabe stopped me as soon as I had closed the door behind her. "Who was that?" he asked with big eyes. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I finally snapped. "You treat my best friend like absolute shit and now you're asking about other friends of mine? Do you think I'm ever going to let you near any of my friends again?!" He raised his eyebrows as if he had no idea. "It's not even my fault" he said, raising his hands in front of his chest as if he wanted to defend himself. "It is, Sofia told me everything." "Yeah but have you heard my side of the story? She's afraid to get serious, she's afraid of commitment." "There is nobody who can relate to that more that me, you can't shock me with that." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "Charlie, I tried, I really tried but I can't keep trying forever when it's just me. She's not meeting me in the middle. She's not meeting me anywhere and it gets very hard for me and I have to do what's good for myself. And ironically, I think I shouldn't try to be serious for a while because this is what happens. But I've ruined it with her, I admit it. I just want her to be happy but I can't give her what she wants, she can't give me what I want and it was bound to happen that one of us admitted that because I know we both knew. I just need distraction." "You've made my best friend cry, I'm not gonna set you up with Ally." "Ally, good to know." I rolled my eyes and walked past him, into the living room where Pete was sitting on the sofa with his phone. I sat beside him and rested my head against his shoulder. "Make him leave" I pouted like a little child. He laughed and put his arm around me. "Is he being mean?" he asked as if he was talking to Bronx. I nodded, still pouting. "I was leaving anyway!" Gabe announced and slid into his leather jacket. "Bye, bye, I hope we can be civil tomorrow, Charlie." I stuck my tongue out at him, giving him a mad glare and then cuddled up into Pete's chest.

The door fell shut and Pete started stroking my hair. "When do you wanna get your stuff from your apartment?" I shrugged. "I don't know. Whenever it's best for you." "We can do it next week, if you want." I nodded. "Okay." "So, did you and Ally check out that guy you met for the ads?" I nodded again. "Yeah, yeah, we did, it seems legit, I'm probably gonna give him a call for the new issue later and then I wanted to write a bit. Because I got this really good tip online." He kissed the top of my head. "You know, I'm so proud of you." I smiled. "I wouldn't be anything without you right now" I said and it hurt to admit it but it was true. I didn't want it to be but it was. I just had an easier time accepting it, now that Pete was my boyfriend again.

I stayed on the couch a little until I was getting tired even though it wasn't even that early so I decided to go to bed. When I had changed into underwear to sleep in, I realised that I hadn't called about the ads yet and I hated that I kept forgetting it because I knew it was one of my chances to not depend on Pete anymore. I just wanted to know what it was like and how it would change our relationship because I was sure it would be for the better. I picked up my phone from the nightstand, just when Pete walked in and took off his shirt. I motioned for him to stay quiet with my finger on my lip and he nodded, changing into boxers and a white shirt. I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for someone to pick up on the other end.

"Roman?" "Hi, hey, it's Charlie ... Miller. You know, we met at the kiosk and you gave me your card about the ad the other week?" "Right, hi! How are you doing?" "I'm doing good, thanks, how are you?" I asked, taken by surprise because he was so polite and made small talk instead of getting right down to business. "I'm good" he said. "So, me and one of my co-workers looked at your business' website today" I said. "Did it convince you?" he asked. "Yeah, it did. It seems like working with you is something we could only profit from. And I'm still incredibly flattered because you gave the first positive feedback as an outsider." He laughed. "And a writer" I added. "Well, I'm glad to be of assistance."

Suddenly, I felt Pete wrapping his arms around me from behind and he started kissing the side of my neck. I tried to push him away with one arm but it didn't work without giving it away on the phone. "So, how do you feel about working with us? Does your offer still stand?" I asked, trying to ignore that one of Pete's hands had moved up to my boobs now and the other was in my underwear so I tried to just get up but he moved me back down, his lips still working at my neck and I could feel my breathing becoming shallow, hoping that the call wouldn't take a lot longer. "Yeah, the offer still stands. Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay, so how do you wanna start this...?" I wanted to slap Pete when he unclipped my bra so I tried to quickly end the conversation. "We can meet and talk it through some time, how about dinner tomorrow night? My treat?" "I'm not gonna say no to that." He laughed. "I'll text you." "Okay. Bye." I hung up as quickly as I could and put the phone down, I was just about to turn around and bitchslap Pete when his fingers in my underwear started moving and a moan left my lips automatically.

I wanted to be mad but I didn't. I turned around and Pete kissed me, hard and rough and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You can't just do that when I'm talking on the phone! I want to seem professional" I said, in between kisses when he started on my neck again. "I hate you." He laughed. "No, you don't." He moved his fingers faster and I kissed him again. "You're right, I don't."


Really hoping these little notes aren't getting annoying but I just want to say something real quick. Writing this is a lot of fun (a lot more fun that I actually thought it would be) and I think it's mostly because I keep getting such a amazing comments and all the support is really overwhelming and it makes me really happy, especially when I'm doubting myself as a writer sometimes so thank you so much!

If you like this story (and also maybe, me, a little) I want to ask a little favor. I've got an original story up on my account as well and it would mean so much to me if you gave that a try. You don't even have to force yourself to read it or anything, just give it a try and if you don't like it, don't read it, if you do, it would make me really really happy. This is the only time I will mention it in a note on this story so don't worry that I'll just shamelessly promo myself but I just wanted to ask because it's very important to me. And I promise, it's just as cute and romantic and dramatic as this story so you may like it! Thank you for reading, friends, you're all amazing and I feel like I know you through just the comments you leave because whenever I see a name I recognize, or a new name, I smile and it makes my day. <3

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