I keep running. The trees block out any wind. I run until I can't focus on anything else. I don't realize there might be someone behind me trying to kill me. I don't realize I have no destination. I don't realize that I may potentially die. I just run. My mind is completely set on speed and stamina.

I lose track of time and location. Something flashes in the corner of my eye. The fact that it is not green and brown like everything else, makes me stop. Once I conclude my run, a burning sensation rises to my throat. Then pain starts in my abdoemen. I double over in pain and thirst. The extra weight from my backpack makes my legs buckle and I collapse under the weight.

I breathe heavily as I feel the blood rushing to my head. My eyes close and I can't feel anything anymore.

Then I shoot up to a sitting position. I remember why I stopped.

Right in front of me is a small clearing. In that, are five large logs that are put in such a way that makes them into an awkward circle. In the middle is a pit. I think this is a camp site. But this isn't what diverted my attention. The object that doesn't seem to belong in the woods turns out to be a pay phone.

I scurry to my feet and run up to it. Hopefully it works. I rip open my bag and look for my wallet - and hopefully a bottle of water as well. My wallet is stuck at the very bottom of everything I have but I manage to dig it out and find a quater. I stick it into the slot and pick up the pay phone that is covered in spider webs.

Once I can hear the buzz, I punch in a number.

"Hello?" The line goes through. I pump my fist triumphantly.

"Eldon!" I say into the speaker, "I need your help!"

"What's wrong." His voice is filled with concern.

"Uh...er...I'm stuck in the middle of the woods and I need your help." I don't know how to phrase my dilemma properly.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"If I knew then there wouldn't be a problem." I say sarcastically.

"Okay then, um, can you look up anything on your phone?"

"I don't have wifi."


"I'm in the middle of the woods."

"Why are you- never mind, I won't ask. Huh. Well...ur...no that won't work..."

There is a slight pause and I start to panic in the fear that Eldon might have hung up.

"Are you sill there?" I ask cautiously.

"Oh, yeah," He answers swiftly, "I was just thinking..."

"About what?"

"About how I can get you out. Are you on a road?"

Come to think of it, where is the road. I don't remember making any turns but then again, I don't remember running in a straight line either.

"I was just on a road." I say

"Can you go back on it?"

"I'll have to hang up."

"Then don't!" His voice becomes urgent the second I mention leaving.

"What should I do?"

"Where are you now?"

"A camp site, I think. There aren't any people here."

"How did you get there?"

"I drove, then I ran." That leads to a question I've had in mind the second I woke up, "Hey, Eldon, what happened yesterday after I fell asleep?"

"I put you in my car and started to drive you home. I guess you were sleep talking - or half awake, I don't know - but you kept saying stuff about killers and Amanda and Richelle. Then you seemed to grasp the fact that you weren't awake and pulled the door open and flopped out of my car. I tried to look for you but you were gone by the time I got out of my car. I thought about calling the police, or your parents but I didn't think you would enjoy a mental hospital very much." Eldon's voice drains at the end.

"You think I'm crazy?" I ask in shock.

"No, but someone else may and they are able to lock you in a room and throw away the key."

"Okay then." I nod. The memories don't come back but I can feel parts of my body I haven't been able to before. Like my elbow or calf; they seem to be bruised pretty badly.

"So. Do you want me to do something?" He asks.

"Yeah. Come and find me, I don't know where I'm going."

"Okay. Stay where you are, I'll be right over."

"Please don't hang up." I beg but it's already too late, Eldon has hung up already.

I set the phone down gentily, trying not to disturb the spiders. Then I hear a crack in the woods. I immediately drop everything. The phone is now hanging on only the wire and my bag is lying limply on the ground.

Someone is in the woods, out in the darkness. They want to kill me. I'm going to die. Here and now. I'm going to die.,

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