One: Dinner Time

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Kira and Jonah walked through the door with several bags of groceries. For once, Kira had gotten off of work early and she was planning on spending her extra time with the guys. She followed Jonah through the front hallway into the kitchen. The other guys were all on the couch playing Fortnite. None of them noticed the other two walk into the room mostly because they were all shouting at each other. Jonah and Kira set the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Hey!" Kira yelled over the sound of the tv and the shouting. She began pulling things out of the bags and handing them to Jonah to put away. "Get off your asses! We're making dinner together!"

Someone muted the tv and they all looked over the back of the couch.

"When did you get home?" Corbyn asked. His brown hair was hidden under a beanie and he had Chick-fil-A sauce on the corner of his mouth. Kira pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. She saw the remnants of Chick-fil-A bags and empty boxes of chicken strips all around the living room. She had a feeling they'd been there most of the day.

"Yeah, I thought you usually worked late," Daniel added. Now that Kira was home, he was suddenly trying to comb through his messy, bleached hair with his fingers.

"She was actually home two hours ago, but none of you noticed," Jonah said. He held the door of the fridge open and stacked the food Kira handed him inside. "So, Kira and I decided to go grocery shopping. And now we're cooking together."

"As in all of us?" Zach asked.

"Yes, all of us," Kira said. She gathered up the empty paper grocery bags and folded them neatly. She caught some of the guys smirking at her as she did that, but she could never bring herself to just crumple up the bags. They needed to be folded nicely to save space in the recycling bin. She didn't care if the others made fun of her for it.

Kira gave them all a look and they slowly started to get up off the couch. Corbyn and Daniel turned off the game and began putting everything away. Jack and Zach picked up the trash from their earlier Chick-fil-A run and shoved it into the garbage can. However, they quickly realized the garbage needed to be taken out anyway. They did a few rounds of rock paper scissors and then Zach begrudgingly took out the garbage.

While Kira started to gather the ingredients they would need, Jack washed his hands and then pulled one of their many aprons off the hook by the fridge. He turned around and Kira couldn't hold back a laugh when she saw he was wearing the "Kiss the Cook" apron. He leaned against the counter like he was posing for a magazine and he smirked at her.

"It's a damn shame you don't take orders from aprons," Jack said as he gestured to the words dramatically. Kira laughed again and he smiled.

"What kind of sucker would I be if I took orders from aprons?" Kira asked.

"Um, the kind that would be kissing me. Obviously." Jack spread his arms wide and smirked at her. Kira just smiled again, not sure what to say to that.

"Give it up, Jack," Jonah said while he handed some more of the empty grocery bags to Kira. "It didn't work with the 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' shirts on St. Patrick's Day and it's not gonna work now."

"Well the problem with St. Patrick's Day is all of us were wearing those shirts," Jack said. "We gave her too many options."

"Yes. That's definitely what the issue was," Kira said with a laugh. She folded up the last few grocery bags and added them to the recycling bin.

Jack stood up straight again and stood beside her looking at the ingredients she'd pulled out. "So, what are we making?"

"Italian," Jonah said from behind them. He was still putting away the rest of the groceries and he placed several things in front of Kira knowing what she would need.

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