Stretch Marks [A/S]

Start from the beginning

Glimpse of the future, if you ask me.

Somewhere deep in a hard drive of an old home camera somewhere, there is a video of five year old me, dressed in embarrassing clothing, it was 2002, okay? And, in this video, I call Dom my boyfriend, and "kiss" him on his cheek.

And by kiss I mean pretty much smash my face into the side of his.

Don't get me started on our "wedding" when we were seven years old. It was on the school playground, a random boy in our year was the officiator, a friend of Dom's who I've forgotten the name of was the best man and Steph was a flower girl/maid of honour.

I mean, that's the peak of romance when you're a kid.

And, we went to the exact same school, and were in the same class. I mean, Doncaster only really has a couple of schools, and ours is the only one in a few miles radius.

We were in the same class, as we only had two classes per year. If you want any gauge for how small the community is, Felicite Tomlinson was in our year in school, though she wasn't in the same class as us.

We remained inseparable all throughout primary school. Neither of us would forget the horror of the Year 5 residential trip when we had to be told that we couldn't share a cabin together because we were boys and girls; so we had to be separate.

We were allowed sleepovers at each other houses all the time. It was quite ironic actually, as Dom's sisters weren't allowed to have boys over, but since I was practically family, I was allowed to stay at Dom's anytime I wanted; and the same applied at mine.

We both felt like part of the family to the other, though both of our parents constantly teased us that we were already an old married couple by the time we were 10 years old, as we already knew each other better than anyone else.

I think what changed was, as fucking stupid as it sounds, was the year 6 school disco. We had one to celebrate the end of the primary school.

We of course got ready together separately. I decided to wear my black tutu dress with neon yellow, green and pink tulle around the bottom of it, that honestly was so wide I'm surprised I didn't have to go sideways to to fit through doorways.

I went into the school hallway, and stood off to the side, nervously, and waited for Dom to arrive home. As I waited, Dom came into the hallway, and a small butterfly must've exploded out of my chest, at the view of Dom.

He was of course looking incredibly awkward looking back at the pictures now. He was wearing a black Nirvana smiley t-shirt with a black and white striped long sleeve underneath it, black skinny jeans.

And God everything else just added to the chaos. His nails were painted black, with eyeliner all around his eyes, his hair straightened over one of his eyes in one of the most aggressive fringes I've seen in a hot minute.

But, for 10 year old me, that was love at first sight. I was a wannabe but couldn't really be a scene girl, and I had celebrity crushes on men like Gerard Way and other emo guys in 2000s music and Dom looking anything close to it set off butterflies in my stomach.

Dom immediately came running up to him, and wrapped his arms around me, and butterflies exploded for me. And, I didn't do anything for the crush for about four more years. Through high school, we were equally inseparable.

We were the "weird" emo and scene kids, and we were pretty much only friends with each other, as no-one liked us much. I was the weird scene girl, who unironically used RAWR and XD out loud. Honestly shameful.

Then, Dom was the weird emo kid. He was seen as weird and emotional, and missed a lot of lessons, and people assumed he was skipping class because he couldn't be bothered. But I knew he was with the police, at the hospital, God knows where.

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