15| Arachnophobia

Start from the beginning

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Alex softly nudged her arm. Looking up to the girl she nodded towards Dana's body.

Getting the memo, Hope performed a spell to wake Dana up. "Surgere," she recited and with a flick of her hand, Dana had woken up.

She struggled to sit back up but eventually pulled herself up but the back door. She had appeared to still be incredibly weak and tired.

"Did I pass out?" she asked to no one in particular. "I don't feel so well," she murmured and hunched over.

"We know how you feel," Lizzie said with fake sympathy. "You're just hungry," she finished with a dismissive tone.

Dana looked up with narrowed eyes. "Anorexia was sophomore year. This is something else," she admitted nonchalantly as her body began to tremble.

At the comment, Alex felt sorry for the girl. To reveal such information with no care. But she also knew that this type of situation was not uncommon in high schools.

"You'll feel better after you feed. I promise," MG reassured.

"I don't think this is what Landon meant by 'telling her the truth'," Alex tried to reason but was interrupted rudely by Dana.

"Oh, shut up! For real. Even thinking about eating makes me want to..." her voice trailed off.All of a sudden she began to throw up black liquid. Everyone had stepped back on instinct. Faces contorting to disgust and horror.

"Oh damn. What that girl eat?" Kaleb quipped and looked away from the sight.

As she continued to throw up, Alex too had to look away for the sake of her own stomach. She brought her flannel up over her nose to try and escape the smell.

"Oh my god. I can't look at this," Alex whispered to herself and moved to stand behind Hope. Hope had placed her hand on Alex's forearm as she stood behind her. Slowly pushing the two of them back to not get in Dana's way.

"I think her soul just got on my shoes. Ew," Lizzie complained.

"Uh- I think imma be sick, too," MG gagged at the sight.

"Is this normal?" Landon asked and kept his eyes closed.

Dana wasn't stopping which made everyone grow even more worried. Dana seemed to be in pain as she coughed and threw up her insides on the concrete.

"She's puking her guts out. Literally!" Hope exclaimed. "Dana. Dana!" she yelled out to try and get any sort of response out of the girl.

It was safe to say that their efforts went in vain as the Salvatore students now stood around the remains of Dana's body in shock. A 'shell' of her body lying in a puddle of diluted black liquid.

"Should we call your dad?" Hope mumbled in question to Lizzie without looking away from Dana's body.

"Why? So he can take another bullet for you?" Lizzie backchatted to her although she was just as horrified and confused as Hope.

"No," Hope stopped, offended she would think so low of her. "Because whatever did this is not a vampire. It's gotta be another monster from the knife," she reasoned with everyone, sharing a look with Landon who quickly looked away.

Kaleb stepped past the group and stood in front of Landon. "Well maybe, the monster's been right in front of us all along," he spoke ominously.

"What...?" he blurted out quietly with an awkward smile but it soon faded when he realised that he wasn't joking. "Are you serious?" he asked, shaking his head as he was taken aback.

"Hey, none of this started happening until you showed up and stole that knife," he pointed right at his chest and paused. "Which is exactly what the other monsters came here to do. You saying it's a coincidence?

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