The kiss against my lips was so unloving, there was nothing there except a desire for my body, and how my body looked. Most of the men as well were being really degrading and rude. They would use my body.

Grab my hair, and push and pound into me, and call me things like a bitch, or a whore or slut. It was something I wanted. It wasn't what I wanted. I wanted to feel loved and safe, instead of ignored and not cared for.

I lost count of the people I'd hooked up with, I forgot names and they'd probably forgotten mine. By about age 22, I decided that I was done with hookup culture, and I'd rather be lonely, but it didn't last as long as I'd liked.

In May of last year, I was watching Netflix in the living room while cooking my lunch, when Steph came bounding into the house, clutching her bag, where'd she stayed the night at Jack's. "How did it go?" I asked her, seeing her giddy smile.

"LOOK!" She shouted, shoving her left hand into my face. On her ring finger, was a gold band ring. "He proposed!?" I spluttered, feeling my world fall apart. Was she really getting married at 22 years old?

"No, I wish. It's a promise ring," She beamed, as she looked down at her hand, with a smile on her face. While it bandaged up a tiny part of my heart, it didn't fix the rest of my heart that was breaking.

Knowing that soon, at least some point in the near future, she was going to be married. She wouldn't be Steph, my best friend who would flirt with guys to get us free drinks in clubs when we were underage.

She wouldn't be my flatmate who would throw herself down on the bed with me with her snacks, to have a movie night whenever we fancied. She wouldn't be the person I could call in floods of tears, and rant to about my boy problems.

I hoped, well I kind of knew, that marriage wasn't going to hopefully change too much, as I knew Jack wasn't as gross and horrible, like some people used to be, and why some people dreaded more than anything their friends getting married.

But, it wasn't gonna be the same.

And it sucked. Big time.

She was almost promised to be married at 22, and there I was, single, and a body count of the twenties without a single relationship in my life; ever.

Then, we turned 25, last year, and it all got so much worse. It was March of that year, and Steph and Jack went out for a meal for their anniversary. About an hour and a half after they left the house, she was blowing up my phone calling me.

Through her absolute screaming and shouting, I managed to figure out what was going on. She was engaged. Jack had proposed.

And as much as I was so happy for her, of course I was. This was exactly what she deserved, and I couldn't wait for her to have her happy marriage with Jack.

But it made me feel so much more under accomplished.

When she called me, all I had was a date planned for the next month, and didn't know if the person was going to stand me up, and if I was going to get ditched.

I was so horribly jealous, until the date the next month finally arrived.

I'd put so much time into my appearance, as I'd never even got on that many dates. I wore a green crop top that had very low cleavage and a lot of stomach, but Steph eventually managed to convince me to wear it.

I also paired it with a pair of white trousers, and various gold jewellery. My makeup was soft, with a lot of bronzer, eyeliner and highlighter, and finally a pair of white high heels. I did have to have a drink of liquid courage, before finally leaving for the beach; where we're gonna meet.

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