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After the meeting I went over to my dad's house I been having this shit on my mind about my mama, ever since that conversation I had with Nuri about her life something just seems off with both of our stories being so similar.

I've been thinking about it so heavily, I parked my car and hopped out jogging towards the door using my key to get in I made my way to the kitchen to see what stacey cooked cause a nigga is hungry.

"what you looking fo lil nigga" my dad asked me looking through then pots

"What she cooked" I asked razing my eyebrow.

He chuckled "Baked spaghetti, fried chicken, fried fish, and corn bread" he said passing me a plate. "she just finished cooking too" he added I nodded my head and began fixing my food.

We both sat to the table and started eating

"So what's up duke" I chewed the food that was in my mouth before I started speaking

"I need to know more about my mama" he sighed and nodded indicating for me to continue

"I don't know anything about what happened with her, all I remember one day moving with you to vegas, what happened with y'all?" I stated. He looked at me funny then his smiled dropped when he noticed that I was serious.

sitting backing my chair I waited for him to start explaining "me and your mother ended up getting a divorce because she was so called pregnant and got a abortion without me knowing". I nodded my head for him to finish.

"When I asked her why she said it was because she didn't like the fast life, and she wasn't ready for the responsibility so I took you and we moved to Long Beach first and one night she showed up to the house to see you and we ended sleeping together and that's the last I heard from her she called me one day and said she was pregnant and I didn't believe her and she told me she will never speak to me again and that's that" he said to me.

I wanted to tell him so bad that I think Nuri is my sister but I didn't know how to even start that type of conversation.

"Where is this coming from?" I sighed and thought for a quick second,

"I thinking have a little sister" I said and for a moment everything was silent.

"And how did you come to this conclusion" I looked at him confused

"What the fuck you mean conclusion, I seen the girl and she look like you she got mama complexion I met her at the hospital when Wapp got fucked up she Ace girl."

I took my phone out and went to instagram and showed him a picture of Nuri and he froze he gave me the phone back and got up from the table headed upstairs.

"Pops what's bruh we talking" I said getting up too. he just kept walking after not saying another word I just walked out the house hitting up one of my lil bitches I need some throat cause a nigga is stressed.

After making the arrangements I headed back to the trap cause I still had work to do after pulling up to the trap I was getting a call from Nuri saying she needed me and them other niggas was busy, I told her I was too and she hung up on me but she'll be aight.

I hopped out the car and walked towards Vinny and he opened the door I nodded my head and kept walking straight to my office, I opened the door and went straight to my desk opening my laptop and got to work, I figured out that bitch India was working for some square ass nigga who tryna come up, from New York I called all the niggas in my office to put everyone on game.

"I say we set them up, let't not make any sudden movement" dj said Ace nodded in agreement

"Yeah we don't wanna be too messy" we all looked at Wapp and he just shrugged his shoulders this nigga been acting weird as fuck since he been with that hoe but shit.

"Nigga what's up with you? you been acting weird since you got with Tracey man" I said he looked at me then glanced at Ace and Dj,

"Ain't shit bruh, but I think we should make the girls become cool with India so she won't feel like the heat on her until it's make moves" he said.

We all agreed that it would be a good idea because we don't want her to get suspicious. After our meeting everyone went their separate ways I got a message from Tiana saying she couldn't make it cause she had an emergence some shit bout her pregnant sister. I didn't even bother to text back.

I got up from my desk and walked around the trap to make sure everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing, after I made my rounds I stopped by Dj's office and we was about to ride the blocks to make sure these niggas wasn't fucking around.

I walked out the door calling Nuri to tell her I was on my way too her and she was hungry as usual so I made sure ass would be ready by the time I got to her house cause knowing her she would take all day LITERALLY.

It took me fifteen minutes to get there and when I pulled up the was outside in a big shirt and some sweats and her face was puffy it looked like she'd been crying all day.

"why you ain't ready" I rolled down the window yelling

she rolled her eyes and just walled to the car and got in she pulled down the sun visor and took out some makeup shit ad started putting it on her face we drove in silence for like 20 minutes until I finally spoke up

"What you got going mama" I looked at her form the corner of my eye and she sighed

"I don't know like I just haven't been myself lately I've been pushing everyone away, especially Ace he hasn't been home in two days" she paused to make sure I was listening and I nodded my head for her to finish

"Can we go to the pier while we over here" she said and I pulled in the each and parked in a spot and we hopped out and started walking towards the pier's.

"Anyways he hasn't been home in two days because I told him I needed space and I didn't mean it, we've been fighting a lot I think I'm running him away" she said and took a deep breath.

I was about to say something when she started back talking.

"I did something bad I punched Tracey in the face, I know she did something to lay duke I know she did" she said. I sighed

"Nuri she's pregnant and weather or not you wanna accept it or not she's with Wapp carrying yo niece or nephew and you are putting her and the baby in harms way bruh you dead ass wrong"

she looked at me then to the ground "Ima take you to get food the take you home, I got shit to handle" I can't even be around her right now man that shit is crazy.

I took her to this seafood place so she can get a seafood boil and dropped her off back home, calling ace to see where he was so I an pull to talk to him about what we gone do with Nuri and also talk about her possibly being my little sister I pulled off and got on the high way and headed to his place.

we need to figure all this shit out and fast.

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