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My birthday was going great until they took my Bestfriend to jail. Not only that but the way they handled Dessy was uncalled for. I was crying so bad it was hard for me to breathe like I was hyperventilating Ace came over to me and handed me water to help me calm down.

"Nuri relax man, look yo ass cant breathe" Ace said while rubbing my back

"NO, I can't look what they to Destiny, and they took my Bestfriend to jail." I say with tears falling out my face

"I know baby , but look ima go down to the station with Dj and see wassup. Y'all go to the house and get some sleep" He says kissing my forehead "I love you i'll be home soon"

I walked out to the truck I came here in and me and the girls got in the car. It was so silent all you could hear was Destiny sniffling and I couldn't even put words together to say to her. like it was right on my tongue but It wouldn't come out. I didn't want to say the wrong thing, so I just said what I thought would be best at a Time like this.

"Dest how you feeling?"

"Numb" was all she said and I didn't even fight her on it.

About 15 minutes later we pulled up to my house. Me and the girls got out the car and walked in side. We all walked into the kitchen.

"Im gonna go shower and lay down" Dessy says before walking up the stairs

"I feel for her" Kaylen said with a sad tone.

"Yea me too I can only imagine the pain she's feeling right now" I say grabbing a bottle of water and sitting on the island.

"All we can do is be there for her and support her through everything" Kaylen says yawning "Well  I'm tired i'm gonna head to bed, Goodnight babe I love you" she says before walking away.

I sat in the kitchen a little longer in my thoughts. Like I can't believe Destiny went through that shit with the police man. Like they really almost killed that fucking girl. They fucked with the wrong one honestly her mom go have they asses. And Wapp... my fucking Bestfriend is in jail man. That thought can't stop running through my head, I know they shit they do but jail never crossed my mind. Not like this or this fast... And on my birthday. What a birthday huh. About 15 minutes later I finished my water and ACE and DJ walked in the door.

"OMG what did they say?? Is he getting out?" I yell a little eager to know

"Man bae its not looking to good, apparently they have a star witness , and they saw everything, and they say they have his DNA at they scene.. He looking at 20 years right now man" he says rubbing his hands down his face.

"WHAT THE FUCK" We both heard and shot our heads to the door frame where Destiny stood.

"Omg dest im sorry" I say trying to grab her.

"I have to go" she says than rushed to the front door

"Destiny.." I say following her but she was already out the door. I walked back into the kitchen where Ace and dj was "Baby she's gone, and I don't know what to do" I say crying even harder.

"Look go shower and lay down ima go handle some shit in my office then im coming. Ok?" he said looking at me for assurance.

"ok"I walked up stairs to our room grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my makeup was a mess. I took it all off before getting in the shower. Once I was done showering I lotioned up and put my pajams on and laid in my bed..

"What a birthday"  I Thought to myself and I soon drifted off to sleep.

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