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Destiny Yuu-Wonn

                                                                          Destiny Yuu-Wonn

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I was laying in my bed finishing up my paper for my English teacher with his friendly ass. In the middle of me writing I heard a bunch of loud bangs on the door.

"Who the fuck is that" I say to myself. Putting on my house shoes I pulled my shorts down and went to open it because I was the only one here. I was tired as fuck walking down them stairs ima get us a ring door bell, shit I can't be walking too the camera room every time to see who here.

I opened the door and seen a two police and a lady in a suit.

"May I help you?" I asked politely.

"Yes are you Destiny?" The lady asked me politely.

"Umm yes is there a problem?" I looked at them confused.

"Please come with us ma'am we have a few questions to ask you"

"No I'm a minor , and y'all not Fina interrogate me without my mama here" I say turning to walk away. The police officer roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me out the house

"Bitch let me fucking go" I scream trying to get out of his reach.

"Either you can come willing or I can put you in cuffs, and arrest you for accessory to murder, You'r choice little girl."I looked him dead in the eyes and followed them to the car, they drove off onto the Highway. 20 minutes later we pulled up the police station.

They walked me inside and put me in the interrogation room. It was cold as fuck and I was hungry.

"They could've at least let me put on pants" I thought to myself.

About 50 minutes later the same lady walked into the room but with a tall whit man with her this time.

"Hello Destiny, My name is detictive Vasquez and this is detective Saxe. We have a few questions about your little boyfriend, what do y'all call him?? Wapp?" she says sitting in front of me.

I just stared her dead in the face not saying anything. I knew not to say anything me and Demetrius already went over what to do and say if it ever came down to this.

I knew his life style and knew what to expect , so he made sure I knew more of the ropes. I wasn't new to this, before my parents became who they are, they did the same thing as him, only difference was they was deeper in it than him.

"Oh so you're not gonna talk little slut"Saxe says getting aggravated.

"Cooper relax , she still a child" The other hoe said trying to reason.

"Ya ima child so I have no business saying shit to you! AT ALL I'm ready to fucking go its cold as fuck."I say rubbing my arms try get warm.

"The quicker you talk the quicker you can go" He says then pulls out some pictures of a nigga and throws them in front oh me. "Are you familiar with Kentrell Kendrcks" I ask

"No" I say simply.

"Well your boyfriend clearly is, and it seems you know more than what you're saying." he sat in front of me. " now again what is your association with this man, you may also know him as trell from "round the way"" he says doing that lil things with his fingers.

"Again... no"I'm aggravated now. "Matter of fact call my mama y'all may know her... Brenda YUU-Wonn. Head District attorney" I say with a smirk. They both looked shocked as fuck , ya bitch that's my mammy don't play with me.

"Ok destiny you're free to go,," The lady said. I got up walked to the door, before I could walk out the room I heard the man.

"This is not over trust me, I will get what I need from you" he said and I walked out the room. I know this mother fucker ain't trying to threaten me the fuck. he don't scare nobody but his mammy he better stop playing with me.

Im mad as fuck because they drove me here no clothes, phone or nunthing so I had walked to the front desk and spoke to the lady that was sitting there.

"Excuse me ma'am , by any chance I can use you phone? I need a ride, they picked me up and I have no way home." I say looking sad.

"omg , look at you !I will get u an uber if that's ok?"She says pulling out her phone.

"That's fine thank you so much" once she ordered the uber I went outside and it took me home. When I got there no one was home still so I went inside washed that police station off me and went to sleep.

Just a filler! Hope you liked it. There's more to come love bugs

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