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After we left the Hospital Dj took me by my grandma house so we can talk, I haven't talked to her in a week or so and she wanted me to hear her out and i finally came around to talking to her.

"You good ma?"Dj asked looking from me to the road.

"Yes, i'm just nervous last time we seen each other it was bad"I said sighing.

"You good babe just hear her out it might be more to the story"He said pulling in her drive way.

I'll try, i'm still trying to wrap my head around this babe we're going to be millionaires"I said looking at him.

"No babe you are , now get ya ass out the car and go in the house"He said laughing.

"Remember whats mine is yours, now i'll call you when we are ready"I said kissing him than getting out the car.

Walking up to the door i used my key to unlock it and walked in the house . I heard the kids playing in the living room and went to where they was when they did finally see me they ran and jumped on me.

"Omg you've been gone all day i miss youuuu"Kayla said to me hugging my legs

"I miss you too mama"I said laughing.

"MAMA"Kayden said tapping my breast laughing.

"Hey papa"i said kissing his cheek.

"Ohh your here hello sweetheart"My grandma said walking in the living room.

"Hey grandma"I said back.

"Come to the kitchen so we can speak"She said leading the way.

We walked in the kitchen and she gave me a bottle of water and stood at the island as i sat at the stool we stared at each other for a while before she finally spoke.

"So i guess i'll start, for starters i love you no matter what ok"She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Continue please"Was all i said.

"Okay so your mom called me and told me  that your dad had died 3 years ago. She told me about all the money he left for you, She was in a bad place at the time and she had you and Kayla ...She told me she didn't wanna lose you and lose the money so she told me she was gonna kill you because if you was to die the money would automatically go to her because she was your parent. But i gave her 10,000.  for you so she wouldn't kill you and she automatically said NO . I told her i would give her half of the money if she gave you to me and she did.. it was never to hurt you or that i needed the money because as you see i have my own everything . I love you Kaylen i really do and i wouldn't do anything to hurt you.

"Why didn't you just tell me ?"I asked with tears in her my eyes.

"Kaylen you were too young baby i didn't know how to explain so you would understand."She said grabbing my hand but i snatched away.

"I'm still confused , why did she say i was your mill ticket?"I asked.

"She's a liar she doesn't know whats she's saying you cant believe a crack whore."My grandma said chuckling

i looked at her and didn't speak because she sorta had a point with that all my mom did was lie and abandon us. But before i could speak it was a loud fall in the living room and my sister started crying.

We both ran into the living room and and seen my mom holding my little sister arm and my brother upside down from his leg as he screamed.

"PUT HIM THE FUCK DOWN NOW!I Screamed at her mad as fuck

"Come closer and i drop him bitch" Sharon screamed

"Okay i wont just put him down" I said calmly.


"No most of what she told you was true i did want you to die! but she wasn't going to give you a cent of that money Kaylen ! she set up a account in the bahammas where it all was going too for HER TELL HER BETTY!"she said shaking my brother.

Now her and my grandma was going back and forth arguing i used it as my chance to grab Kayden i ran over to my mom and snatched him right from her hands and Kayla ran over to me crying.

"I'm leaving grandma i'll have someone come get me and the kids stuff.. I don't care what y'all do just leave ALONE"I said with tears coming down my face.

i walked out the door and called Dj he answered on the first ring.

"come get us we ready, and have some boys come and get our stuff "I said

"Why what happened ? i'm down the street right now"He said and i hung up.

5minutes later i seen his car coming down the street , he pulled in front of me and got out to help. We all got in the car and he drove off it was quiet for a while and we pulled up to the hotel.

"So your house still getting work did?"I asked annoyed looking at him.

"Ya, it's fina be a whole new wing added"He said getting out the car.

I got out and followed him in the hotel, we went up to my room and settled the kids in the bed since they was sleeping i'm going to bathe them after they wake up and eat.

I walked back out to the living room and seen Dj on his phone and i snatched it from him.

"What the fuck wrong with you Kaylen?"He said trying to get his phone with an attitude.

"Nah why them people just now working on your house when i want to stay there any other time you let me come"I said with an attitude.

"Man chill the fuck out, it ain't even like that"He said still reaching for his phone.

"NO because why? I have my sibilings now, they cant be staying in a hotel.

"Well get your own place "He said but quickly regretted it.

"Wait baby I didn't mean it like that"He said grabbing my hand but i snatched away .

"It's cool you can leave"I said tossing his phone to him and walking to the door holding it open for him. He walked out but stopped in front of me.

"I love you"He said.

"Okay i'll be checked out tomorrow morning" I said before closing the door.

He had me fucked up because in all honesty I DON'T need him i can take care of myself. He just made me so use to him taking care of me and all of  a sudden it's changed and i'm really not with the shit. So tomorrow i'm calling some lawyers to talk too about my money and i'm going to find a place for us to stay i turn 18 in 3 months so i'm good.

I went into my room took a shower and laid down for a nap with the kids since it wasn't too late...

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