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Leaving the hair salon I'm super excited to be with my girls!! Over the past two months me and dessy has gotten super close we literally do EVERYTHING together

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Leaving the hair salon I'm super excited to be with my girls!! Over the past two months me and dessy has gotten super close we literally do EVERYTHING together. Me and Ace are adjusting to living with each other, he be on my ass about school report cards came out and I got all A's and he bought me a new range rover.

"Kay I missed you bruh" dessy said as we sat down at the restaurant for lunch ,

"Yeah girl where the fuck you been slut" I say and we all start laughing hard lol I love them they my girls forever fasho. "We're having a Christmas party by the way and you better be there"  I say.

"Girl I"ll be there I have ask Dj when this party that his partner having but I'll be to yours girl" she says .

Nodding my head confirming what she had said." I'm hungry". I yelled out getting annoyed

"Girl your fat ass always wanna eat" kay said rolling her eyes all I know is we better eat and I mean right muh fuckin now.

"I'm finna tell my man y'all won't feed me" I say pouting while texting Ace

"Girlllll we just got seated 😂 wait till the people come and take our order" Dessy says looking over the menu to see what she want.

"Don't care still fina text him" I say pulling out my phone.

"Well my man is coming to get me" I say as I gather all of my things, I love my girls and all but I miss my man honestly

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"Well my man is coming to get me" I say as I gather all of my things, I love my girls and all but I miss my man honestly.

"Bitch I just got back in town and all you wanna do is be under him"  kay said rolling her eyes

I got up to use the bathroom after reliving myself I wash my hands and walk out to see my baby walking in the restaurant. I ran and jumped on wrapping my legs around him

"I missed you bug" I say kissing all over his face.
"I miss you to ma" he said kissing my lips.

Getting down I walk back to the table to get my things

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