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Felix opened his eyes slowly, looking around at his surroundings. He noticed hyunjin sleeping next to him, his bright hair sticking up a little out of the covers, he was cute, just laying there. Felix felt his neck ache, maybe it was just him but he felt hungry. He slowly sat up, looking around at the light that peaked through the red curtains making the room appear red to his eye.


He softly said.

He didn't know if waking hyunjin up would make him angry or not. "Hm, yes?"  His tone was so loft, making Felix smile once more. All he could do was smile when he was with hyunjin. "Nothing I just really like you." Hyunjin grinned, his eyes still closed hearing this. When he opened his eyes he noticed Felix sitting over him, watching him.

"We have to meet them today." Felix heard,"will they point out how I look, it's been a week you know." Felix said, he fixed his gaze upon the mirror, looking at his pale skin that was the obvious reason of something. "Im sure they wont."

"Aish, hyunjin what if they ignore us, we were the center of everything going on." They were going to a family reunion, to see eachother, they hadn't seen eachother in weeks maybe. All of them taking a breath away from eachother, the overwhelming event surrounding them.

"They won't, I just don't know how minho will act."

Even minhos name hurt Felix, he fell back into hyunjins arms, letting hyunjin hold him, there skin touching. "I hope we stay together hyunjin." Felix said, his tone In a whisper. "Me to." Hyunjin placed a kiss on Felix's forehead, trailing off to the bathroom.

Jeongin looked in the mirror at himself being alone for weeks didn't help his thoughts, he didn't want to go to this family reunion but of course jisung was forcing him. He would have to see chan and the rest of them he screwed around with.

"Jeongin we have to go or we'll be late." Jisung stormed into jeongins apartment, he had the masters key for jeongins apartment just in case jeongin was back in his stupid habit of drugs. "Do I have to go?" Jeongin whined like a little kid. "Yes, you do, you have to see them and i can't leave you at home alone."

Jeongin watched as jeongin went through some clothes. Putting the ones he thought were formal enough which jeongin didn't really have any of those. "Im not dressing formally."
Jeongin said, stubbornly. He pulled out a pair of leather jeans. Jisung grabbed jeongins hands, looking at him strongly. "Just do it for me." Jeongin frowned and just nodded.

"In that case I'll just wear shorter clothes."

Jisung scoffed, he opened the door to jeongins apartment stepping out of it. Jeongin slid his fitted shorts on, turning around to look at his figure, which became a self confidence habit. Jeongin bent down, looking at his dresser, rushing through his shirts and cropped shirts.

"Nice veiw."

Jeongin rolled his eyes.

He stood up, turning to look at chan
"No wonder I didn't see you in the reflection of my mirror." Jeongin teased. "Oh shut up.. you riding with me."

"No, I'm riding with jisung."

Chan sighed.

"I wish you would give me one more chance jeongin." Jeongin scoffed, he grabbed a cropped red shirt throwing it on the dresser. "Give you another chance? Haven't I already done that?" Jeongin felt chans eyes burning through him. "It's not like you truly care about me anyways."

"Would you stop saying that? I do care about you, I just was a dumbass too loose you."

"I would consider myself a dumbass as well if I left something that looked like me." Jeongin slid his shirt on, lazily brushing his hair. Chan scoffed, noticing the cocky personality. "Fine, see you at the reunion." Chans body faded away, disappearing in the thin air. He creepily did this often.

Felix walked into seungmins house hyunjin holding his hand, he didn't expect to see so many relatives they all were scary and intimidating. Everyone turned heads looking at the two, hearing alot about them.
"Hyunjin there all staring.." felix mumbled. "It's okay, calm down."
They approached a small area seeing all of them, seungmin, changbin, jeongon, chan, jeongin dressing like the obvious whore. Chan pestering him, jisung and minho sitting as well.

"Hyunjin, Felix hi."

Seungmin smiled, giving them hug,
Hyunjin froze, scensing a certian smell. It didn't smell very familer. He looked at jisung who was fixing jeongins shorts attempting to pull them down. "You haven't turned him." Jisung looked at minho that hyunjin spoke to. "No, not yet." Minho said. His tone sounded so sorry and forgiving, Felix's tense muscles relaxed when hyunjin held his hand.

"You should, it's dangerous."

"I'm waiting.."

"For what? He could be killed here, you know that, right?"

Minho swallowed. Jisung Sighed, just standing up. "I'll get drinks, suggesting?" Minho looked at hyunjin who was shooting glares through him. He expected this,"hyunjin don't make a big deal.. Don't argue."

"He still hasn't apologized."

Felix didn't say another word.

"Can we at least wait after the food? I'm hungry."  Felix was shocked by hyunjins strength that suddenly came out when minho had stood up doing his own motions to help jisung up. Hyunjin pushed Felix back, grabbing minho by his collar.


"I'm sorry." Minho simply said, he seemed calm not a scarce of scared on his face. Everyone was silent looking at them, Felix looked away for a second and just sighed. "Jisung, do you wanna get drinks now?" Jisung nodded, walking with felix.

"That's it? You ruined everything."

"I know, I already said sorry."

Minho yanked his collar away from hyunjin, following jisung from behind while Felix was beside jisung talking and catching up. "Hyunjin you should really take a run, undo that stress." Seungmin said. "I'm not stressed he just pisses me off."

"He's changing, very slowly, just give him time don't be such an ass." Seungmin responded back to hyunjins words. "I guess." Hyunjin huffed, he sat back down in the table, looking at the empty plates he was sure that they weren't having food it was just for the humans which was a small handful of people in there.

Felix filled up the drink slowly feeling minhos eyes on him. "Your not human are you?"  Felix heard,"no, are you?" Minho shook his head, kindly grabbing the drink from Felix. "He marked you? It must be nice." Felix stopped refilling the 8 drinks looking at minho,"what do you mean? Can't jisung –" minho shook his head. "Ah.. jisung, I don't know if he really likes me, I treated him like shit."

"I'm sure he does, but, I'm pretty sure he's still scared to ask you certian questions, you look Intimidating and just not aware anymore."

"I'm trying to change, since hyunjin hates me."

Felix looked at hyunjin who was already looking at Felix. He couldn't trust minho to be alone with felix.
"I'll try and talk to him.. but I'm sorry if it doesn't end well."  Felix giggled, he grabbed the three drinks deciding to just give them each stop..


This was already long enough being almost 2000 soo, almost done with this whole book about 1 or 2 more chapters.

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