The Hands That Hurt Us- Part 24

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Jungkook took a step back, away from Shik. He started shaking. Shik started walking towards him swinging the bat back and forth in his hand.

Jungkook kept backing away and gulped, "What-what are you doing?"

Unfortunately, the only exit was past his manager.

"You think I don't know what you've been up to?" Shik spat angrily while still pacing towards Jungkook.

"What?" Jungkook said continuing to back away. He had no idea what Shik was talking about. "I haven't been up to anything! I haven't done anything!"

"Namjoon told me Jungkook! How you've been acting at home! You think I wouldn't fuckin find out that you've been acting like a damn brat? Your hyungs are asking too many damn questions because of you!" Shik took the bat and swung it at Jungkook, thankfully the maknae was able to duck in time for it to hit the wall instead.

He ran behind an old counter that was in the room. "No! I haven't! I've been good for weeks Shik I swear! I haven't been acting out! Everything is fine at home I swear! They aren't asking any more questions!" Jungkook cried desperately. He was being so good at home. Why was he being punished now?!

"You're trying to rat me out. I know it. I know what you're doing!" Shik screamed at Jungkook, running at him with the bat again.

Jungkook ducked behind the counter and the metal bat cracked the wood in half.

"No I'm not I swear! I haven't told anyone! I'm not trying to! I just get nightmares sometimes and I-I -I've acted out a little before but not on purpose but I swear I haven't in weeks! It only happens when you hurt me and you haven't in weeks! Why can't you just stop?!" Jungkook screamed through tears. He eyed the door that was his only exit. It wasn't too far away but far enough away for him to have plenty of time to get struck with a metal bat. He was panicking. He didn't know what to do. Tears flooded down his face as his chest rose and fell a million times a millisecond. Should I scream for hyungs? He knew they probably wouldn't hear him. They were in an old practice room far away from the others. Far away from anyone. I'm so stupid! Why did I follow him?! So stupid!

"What's that? Why can't I just stop?!" Shik screamed, hitting the counter with the bat again. The sound of wood cracking scared the hell out of Jungkook. It sounded like bones breaking, in which if he got hit with a damn metal bat, he knew that's exactly what would happen.

"Why the hell would I stop?! You're a piece of absolute shit Jungkook! You're the worst thing to happen to this band. The worst thing to happen to me. Just the sight of you makes me want to bash your face in. You know how hard it's been for me to not have the time to beat the hell out of you for weeks?!" Shik cracked the counter with the bat again.

Jungkook instantly began to frantically crawl towards the door, he was desperate to get out, but Shik grabbed his ankle and he couldn't escape.

Jungkook looked up at his manager with tear filled pleading eyes. "Please, please don't hit me with that. You will kill me with that." He felt like his heart was going to explode. Shik had said before that killing Jungkook wouldn't be any fun, but he was starting to wonder if maybe the man had changed his mind.

"Good!" Shik screamed.

Shik had changed his mind.

Jungkook put his hand up in defense and kicked his foot frantically, trying to get Shik to let go. "Hyungs are here! You say you don't want to get caught yet you'd really do this here?! There's no hiding this anymore! You're fucking crazy!"

Jungkook took his free foot and kicked Shik in his arm, making the man lose his grip. He got off the floor and ran towards the door, screaming. "Hyung! Jin! Namjoon! Hob-"

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