The Hands That Hurt Us- Part 6

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The members ended up going to a small hole in the wall pizza place and sat around a large table. They ordered three different large topping pizzas to share and practically devoured it, except Jungkook who took a piece and played with it more than ate it.

"If you don't want pizza you can always order something else, want to try my wings I also ordered?" Jin shoved it right up to Jungkook's mouth hoping the gesture would make his maknae actually eat it.

"I'm just really not all that hungry, but thanks hyung."

"That's what worries us though you usually eat twice your body weight every meal and you haven't eaten much lately. Please just a few bites at least?" Jimin asked. "And water." He took Jungkook's cup of water and scooted it closer towards the boy.

Jungkook looked at his hyungs and saw the pleading looks on all their faces. "Okay."

He forced down some bites of pizza and drank some water but that was all he could stomach before feeling nauseous.

Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's hair and smiled at him. "There it is!"

Jungkook gave a smile back before slipping into his own thoughts while he drowned out the conversation around him. Without realizing it he was dozing off at the table.

Yoongi pointed to Jungkook. "We should probably get going. The baby needs a nap," he teased.

The rest of the members laughed and then Hobi woke him up and they headed home. When they arrived home Jungkook headed straight for his bed to sleep. It truly was concerning everyone how much he was sleeping lately. Taehyung followed behind him and decided he could use a nap too, and being in a cuddly mood he found himself in Jungkook's bed rather than his own.

Namjoon and Hobi found places on the couches in their living room while Jin and Yoongi grabbed something to drink from the kitchen. Jimin decided he was still hungry and made himself a small sandwich before sitting down at the kitchen table.

Namjoon was reading a psychology book he previously bought, one of many that he'd read. This one had to do with abnormal psychology and mental disorders. He had bought it when he realized Jungkook had been acting weird.

He didn't want to put any labels on his youngest, but he had read far enough through the book to realize his maknae was definitely dealing with some kind of anxiety disorder, or maybe a mood disorder, like being bipolar?

Namjoon wasn't too sure. He just knew it was something. Something that had come out of nowhere, at that. He didn't even start acting weird until about a week ago, after all. He was reading a section about childhood trauma's and how they lead to disorders, or how trauma in your adult life can also lead to disorders. It wasn't really making sense to him because he knew Jungkook hadn't suffered any kind of trauma. He got to a list of 'triggers' and found all of them quite concerning. "Jin hyung," Namjoon started. "Hm?" Jin asked from the kitchen.

"Do you think we either uhm...hmm..." Namjoon glanced at the passage he was reading even harder. "Abuse or neglect Jungkook?"

He looked up from the book to meet his hyung's eyes, who looked confused. Before Jin could even answer, with a mouth full of sandwich Jimin immediately pointed at Yoongi without saying anything.

"Why are you pointing at Yoongi?" Jin asked, even more confused.

Yoongi was standing at the fridge. "Yeah, why are you pointing at Yoongi?" he asked sarcastically. "I don't abuse him. I'm not that kind of hyung. I would never hurt him and you know that."

Jimin finally swallowed his bite of sandwich. "I think you can come off as a bit neglectful."

"How?" Yoongi crossed his arms, taking a defensive stance.

The Hands That Hurt Us. {J.JK✓}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt