The Hands That Hurt Us - Part 1

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TW: This story contains graphic violence/ physical & mental abuse.


Every group had them. Every solo artist, every actor, pretty much everyone in the entertainment industry had one. Some had good managers, some had bad managers. BTS was one of the lucky groups, as they had the best manager in the world. Unfortunately though, every good thing eventually comes to an end. Their manager stepped down to focus more on family, resulting in him moving to a separate part of Korea. The members had been preparing for months for this new change, as they were told pretty early on that the day was coming. Still nobody was as ready as they thought. The day they had to say goodbye to manager 'Kip', as they called him, was too soon, and too emotional. Jungkook cried the most tears that day, although everyone else was close behind.

And now, it was time to meet the new manager. Manager Man Shik, they were told was his name.

The members were in the dance studio when a staff member popped their head in to let them know manager Shik had arrived and was in the conference room waiting to meet them. They put their things aside and headed to the room, to be greeted by a smiling face.

"Ah, hello BTS, I am manager Man Shik, but you can just call me manager Shik." He bowed to them, and they introduced themselves one by one and bowed in return.

"Please, take a seat." Shik gestured to the chairs sitting around the long oval conference table.

"I'm excited to be working with you, as I know you all have achieved great success as of late. I would like to share with you a little about myself and some of my own achievements." Shik turned on the overhead projector and began an entire slideshow presentation about his achievements, his work history, his family, and for whatever reason, his favorite restaurants. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at how random that was, Jin gave him a playful slap on the thigh gesturing for him to be quiet.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Jeon?" Shik asked.

"No, no. I'm sorry. It was a great presentation, you've accomplished so much." Jungkook began to clap and the others followed.

Shik took a bow. "Thank you, that is all for today, you may return to practice."

The members got up and exited the room one by one, Jungkook being the last one out. However before he stepped out the door, Shik pulled on the back of his shirt and pulled him back.

"We aren't going to have any problems moving forward, are we?" Shik whispered sternly into Jungkook's ear, as to make sure nobody else who might still be around heard him.

Jungkook gave him a nervous look. "N-no manager Shik, not at all." He tried to hide the anxiety that was beginning to course through his chest.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. I would hate for there to be a problem. However, I don't appreciate rude-ness, Jungkook. You're the youngest, so make sure to show respect where respect is due." Shik was holding onto Jungkook's arm while saying these things, and squeezing it noticeably hard.

"I...I'm sorry. I didn't intend to be rude. I apologize."

Shik looked at him without saying a word, but continued squeezing his arm.

Jungkook got the hint pretty quickly. "I apologize, sir," he said as he gulped down his nerves.

"Good, now get to practice. You don't want to be the reason your members are behind." Shik let him go and gave him a small shove out the conference room door then slammed it closed.

Jungkook stood there for a moment staring at the door, what the fuck was that? He rubbed his arm where Shik had been grabbing it, and headed to the dance studio to join his other members.

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