The Hands That Hurt Us- Part 8

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Jungkook suddenly felt really tired, he tried closing his eyes but the paramedics kept grabbing his attention.

"You have to stay awake for us kiddo," one paramedic said loudly.

All he wanted to do was fall asleep.

The room was filled with chaos as the paramedics moved Jungkook onto a stretcher. Hobi was holding his now blood drenched hoodie in his hands, trembling at the sight of everything. They were all crying. Taehyung was on the verge of passing out again.

"He's just kidding, right?" Yoongi asked a paramedic. "There's no way he can't remember anything, especially us, right?" Yoongi was panicking, no way Jungkook could possibly forget who his hyungs are.

"He has head trauma, it appears he has in fact lost his memory, which can happen in these situations," a paramedic told him as he strapped Jungkook to the stretcher.

Everyone stared at their maknae being wheeled away and disappearing. His blood was dripping everywhere.

Jimin started sobbing and screaming loudly before falling to his knees. "My poor baby!"

Jin grabbed him and tugged on his shirt. "C'mon we have to go."

They all followed suit and ran to their company car, a staff member offering to drive them to meet Jungkook at the hospital. The only sound the whole way there was uncontrollable sobbing.

When the members arrived, they rushed to the front desk asking about Jungkook. The receptionist told them he was currently being treated in the ER and they could wait in a private waiting room, but she didn't know when they'd be able to see him. In the room, it was still awkwardly quiet as everyone sat there waiting and crying, not knowing if Jungkook was going to be okay or not.

"How could he forget who we are?" Taehyung cried.

"You heard the paramedic, he hit his head and that's what can happen," Namjoon replied, trying to catch all his tears with his sleeve.

Hobi had made his way into a corner and sat on the floor, crying into his knees. He was clutching his blood soaked hoodie in his hands. Yoongi made his way over to him and rubbed his back.

"I feel like it's my fault. He wanted to face-time and I told him not now. Maybe he wouldn't have fallen if he was sitting with me on FaceTime," Hobi cried.

"Don't blame yourself Hope-ah, he tried face-timing me too and I didn't even pick up," Yoongi reassured as he felt his own guilt.

"I didn't pick it up either when he called me," Jin told them.

"Did he try face-timing all of us?" Namjoon asked. They all nodded their heads, and they all felt guilty that none of them agreed to do it.

"He must've been lonely today. It seems like he just wanted to be with someone and we couldn't even do that for him." Taehyung dropped his gaze to the floor in shame.

Namjoon let out a deep sigh. He felt like he was really failing as a hyung lately, they all felt that way. They were always so good at protecting Jungkook from everything bad and painful in the world, but this past week wasn't cutting them any breaks.

"I don't understand how, while alone, he fell and hurt himself that badly. I mean did he trip over the chair or stand on the chair or something? Why would he even be doing that?" Jimin asked the members. Everyone said they also had no idea, it was a strange situation.

"I just want him to be okay," Jimin whispered.

Namjoon and Jin both hugged him.

"We all do Jiminie," Taehyung replied.

The Hands That Hurt Us. {J.JK✓}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt