The Hands That Hurt Us - Part 3

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"He what?! Hyung, why didn't you wake me up?!" Jimin yelled at Jin in the kitchen the next morning.

Everyone except Jungkook and Taehyung had woken up to get ready for work, and Jin explained what happened and how he brought the two to the hospital last night.

"I didn't want to disturb you, there's nothing you could have done Jimin-ah. Don't yell at me!"

Namjoon was also upset. "Is he at least okay? He shouldn't be going to practice today if he's injured like that."

"I already called manager Shik and asked about Jungkook staying home, he said he didn't have to participate in the dance practice but he still wanted him at the studio so that he's still part of the group and knows what's going on," Jin informed them.

"That seems fair, I guess. Did you explain how he got hurt?" Yoongi asked his hyung.

"Yes, he kept asking me a million times what happened. He seemed concerned," Jin told him before going to Taehyung's and Jungkook's room to wake them up. The two youngest quickly got dressed and strolled out to meet the others in the kitchen.

"My baby!" Jimin screamed as he ran to Jungkook and hugged him.

The youngest was still feeling the pain from those bruises, but thankfully they weren't as sore as last night. Jimin took Jungkook's wrist and kissed the brace gently.

"I'm fine hyung, really."

"Ah Jungkook-ah. I called and tried to get you out of practice but I guess you still have to come." Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed it.

Jungkook froze. "Who did you call?" he asked with wide eyes.

"Manager Shik," the eldest replied.

Panic shot through Jungkook's chest again. "What did you tell him happened?"

"I told him you got hurt at the gym and I brought you to the hospital," Jin informed him.

"No hyung I mean what did you tell him happened?"

"That you got hurt on some equipment and fell, why? Was I not supposed to?" Jin asked.

Jungkook's panic subsided a little bit. He hadn't told his hyungs the truth anyway so manager Shik shouldn't have an issue, right?

"No no, its fine," Jungkook replied.

"Alright well, we need to head out, hyung needs to stop for coffee." Yoongi made his way to the door and everyone followed him out.

Once they arrived at the HYBE building they headed straight to the dance studio for practice. Jungkook insisted that he was fine and could practice the dances, explaining that he can at least practice his foot work and he'll leave his wrist out of it.

"No, Jungkook. You need to rest for today," Namjoon demanded.

Namjoon had to make a lot of decisions when it came to being the leader, some more difficult than others. However one of the easier decisions he'd always had to make were the ones involving his members health and safety. That always came first. It didn't matter where they were or when. If someone was hurt, they needed to rest. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

"But hyung, I..." Jungkook started.

Namjoon cut him off. "No 'buts' Jungkook, you're sitting out today."

"But hyung! I don't-" He thought about what manager Shik had told him yesterday and continued, "I just don't want to be the reason you all fall behind."

"Don't worry about that. Nobody is going to fall behind. Okay? It's seriously fine. Tell you what, you know what you can do? How about you give us constructive criticism on the routines and tell us where we can brush up. Think of it as being Hobi hyungs little dance leader assistant," Namjoon suggested.

The Hands That Hurt Us. {J.JK✓}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant